Zip It

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AN: I was going to post this yesterday (Thursday where I live) but I got into an argument with my parents and locked myself in my room to cool down. Ended up falling asleep. Sorry. Hope this chapter is okay. Also sorry, there's no Adam or Leo in this chapter.

The final bell rang as I gathered up my belongings and headed to my locker. On the way there I spotted my three favorite bionic teenagers…well they are the only bionic teenagers I know.

Bree was on her way to her locker when her brothers flagged her while bothering her, “Come on Bree. We’re going home now,” Chase bothered “Time to get your things out of your locker.”

I hid behind my own locker door to eavesdrop on them. I didn’t want to be directly involved with whatever pranks my boyfriend and his brother bestowed on my best friend. And knowing the Davenport brothers, when they taunt Bree like this, you know something is bound to happen to her.

“Yeah,” Adam continued “It’s not like we’re waiting for you to open up your locker or anything.”

Yep, Adam, that was a huge giveaway.

I silently chuckled as I took out my English textbook and my Math workbook and put them in my bag. I hate when my teachers think that they can pile on so much homework. It’s like they know we have lives outside of school yet they do this to keep us from having one.

“I mean open it,” Adam said trying to cover up his last mistake.

“Will you leave me alone,” Bree cried “Can I have two minutes without you two hovering around me?”

“Bree, with an attitude like that it’s a wonder y you don’t get pranked more often,” Adam said and from the corner of my eye I saw Chase hit his shoulder.

Oh, yeah. Like that’s not going to keep Bree from finding out they’re pranking against her.

Both boys backed away from her as I slipped one more binder into my bag. Then, soon after, I felt Chase stop behind me and wrap his arm around my waist.

“Hey there pretty lady,” He kissed my cheek and I smiled “How was your day?”

“Fine except for all the homework I have to finish by the end of the week.”

Before Chase could reply to my comment, he gave me a Cheshire cat-like grin and pulled me away from my locker towards Bree’s. Adam joined in while holding up his cell phone to take pictures and videos. That’s when I noticed Bree trying to free her hand from the locker handle.

“Oh you didn’t,” I told Chase and he just smiled back.

“But we did,” Adam replied and then started laughing when Bree couldn’t break free.

“Seriously, glue?” Bree told her brothers.

“That’s quite the sticky situation you’ve got there,” Chase quipped and I rolled my eyes at my boyfriend’s horrible pun.

Bree looked back at Katelyn who I now just noticed was standing behind Bree, “You know what Katelyn, if it gets me away from my two brothers, I would take a job as a lifeguard at a sewage plant.”

“So you’re in?”

“Yeah,” Bree replied, her hand still stuck on her locker handle.

“Great!” Katelyn perked up “See you at the store. Oh and Tech Town is a classy place so leave the sewer talk at school.”

Oh yeah because school is where we talk about things that make us want to barf.

Bree’s attention went back to her brothers, “Hey, dipwads, how do I get my hand loose?”

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