I Probably Should Have Asked About That

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When I wake the next morning there is warm sun streaming through my bedroom window blinds, giving the illusion that it is warm outside when it probably isn't. However, it is quite beautiful to see the city bathed in morning sun. I reach over and put my glasses on, then look to the clock. It's a little past nine. My head still hurts if I move too quickly, but not nearly as bad as yesterday.

I glance over at the spot beside me, which is empty, and wonder where Jack has gone to. Maybe he went home, you know he does have a life I tell myself as I reach for my phone on the nightstand.

I know if I don't text Kenna back she's gonna flip, so I open up a message and type. Thanks for last night. Then hit send. Almost instantly there is a response.

Kenna: Serious or sarcastic??

I smile a little and type back Serious. He spent the night!

Kenna: ew! I did not need to know that!

Killian: lol nothing happened. I hit my head, so he stayed to make sure I was ok.

Kenna: r u?

Killian: Concussion, but I'll live. We r sort of dating now though.

Kenna: Yes! I need to become a matchmaker.

Killian: Ha! Funny...wish I had known I was being set up before dinner.

Kenna: u wouldn't have gone.

Killian: Probably not, so u r forgiven.

Kenna: Of course I am. U love me too much to hate me.

I hear something from out in the kitchen, like plates clinking together, and smile a little. Either someone is in my apartment stealing plates, or Jack is still here.

Killian: Ur right. Talk to u later. Gonna go see what ur uncle is up to in the kitchen.

Kenna: Probably decontaminating lol

I chuckle a little to myself and get out of bed, stuffing the phone into the pocket of my shorts and head for the door.

As soon as I step into the hall I can smell something delicious cooking. Jack must have managed to find the stove under my mess. Actually, when I step into the kitchen/living room area I find that he's done more than just find the stove, he's actually cleaned the kitchen...and everything else for that matter. "Wow"

Jack jumps, startled by my sudden appearance, and then looks a little embarrassed. "Sorry, I cleaned up a bit. You don't mind do you?"

I shake my head and smile, looking around my apartment. Everything is practically spotless! Honestly I'm not sure my apartment has looked this clean since I moved in. My clothes are all folded, the dishes are done, the counters are clean, and it actually looks like the floor has been swept. "No, but I kind of feel bad. You really didn't have to do that."

Jack just shrugs "I was up by four thirty out of habit, so I figured I'd occupy myself. I put the brushes that were in the sink on the table by the window with the others. I didn't clean any of that though for fear I'd mess something up"

I nod, going over to the coffee machine, which already has freshly brewed coffee in it, and pour myself a cup. "Well thanks, it looks awesome. I have no clue how I'm going to repay you for all of this"

"It was nothing, really. I figured you would be able to rest easier if you weren't worrying about all the mess"

I take a sip of my coffee, wincing a little as it burns my tongue, and then set it down on the counter to cool. I do worry about the mess a lot, but I always end up putting off cleaning because I hate it. "Yeah, I swear I don't usually let it get that bad, I've just been busy" Liar...this place is always a wreck.

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