Drunk on You - Jack

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"I really shouldn't have eaten that last slice of pizza." Killian sighs, leaning against my shoulder as we sit on the couch.

I chuckle, slipping my arm around his shoulders. "I probably shouldn't have eaten as much as I did either. I feel like I'm going to burst."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one." He says, reaching a bit to grab his wine glass off the coffee table in front of us. I still don't think he's exactly enjoying it, but he says it gets more tolerable the more he drinks. "I really wish I didn't have to go to work tonight."

"Me either, but at least we've gotten a few hours together, right?"

He nods. "I guess." He says, giving a little shrug. Then he laughs, catching me off guard.


"I just realized something." He says. "This is breaking one of our rules."

I glance down at him, trying to remember which of our rules we could be breaking.

He sits up. "We were supposed to only meet in public places, remember?"

"Oh, you're right. We did agree on that, didn't we? I completely forgot."

He shrugs, giggling again. "Me too."

"Well, I can go if you want?" I offer. I don't want to, but I'll do it if me being here makes him uncomfortable.

But faster than I can blink, he's in my lap, straddling over my legs. "Don't you dare." He says, leaning in for a kiss.

I think he's had a bit too much to drink. Frankly, so haven't I.

"You taste like pizza."

I chuckle, resting my hands on his waist. "You do too." I tell him; trying to ignore the press of his body against mine as he leans in to kiss me again.

This feels good. Too good. But I still keep kissing him, longer and deeper until I feel Killian's hands trail down to the buttons of my shirt, his fingers fumbling as he tries to get them undone. I pull back.

"We should stop."

"Should we?" he asks, his mouth hanging open a little as he stares down at me. His breathing is slightly elevated – so is mine – and I can tell he's hard judging by the bulge poking against my stomach.

I swallow, trying to keep my head clear. "You're drunk." I tell him, trying to make a case for why this is something we shouldn't be doing.

"So are you." He counters.

Which isn't exactly true. I'm definitely impaired, but not nearly as much as he seems to be. How many glasses of that wine did he even drink? I ask myself, trying to calculate how many hours he's got to sober up before he has to go in to work. I don't get far before his mouth is on mine again, distracting me.

"This is breaking another of our rules." I try when we break apart again and he begins peppering kisses across my jaw and down my neck.

He hums against my skin, but the fact that he still doesn't stop tells me that isn't really a concern. Which...I guess shouldn't really surprise me, because the no sex rule was my idea, not his. Actually, he seemed fine with the idea of us sleeping together the first night we came back here together. Then again, so was I.

So...should I stop this? I don't know. My brain feels too clouded from both the wine and Killian's kissing to make a rational decision. Especially as I feel his mouth trailing down further and further south with each button he works loose.

"Killian..." I try but get no response. So, I gently put my hands on his shoulders and push him back a bit. "This is not a good idea."

He sighs; his mouth pulling down into a frown. "Why?"

"Because I don't want you to do something you'll regret."

"I'm not."

"You can't be sure of that."

"Why not? Because you think I've had too much wine to know my own mind?"

"Well...yes. I know you're saying it's okay now, and this is something you want, but what about in a few hours when you've sobered up again?"

He sighs. "In a few hours when I've sobered up again, I'm going to be very pissed that drunk me got in the way of this." He says, dropping his head down on my chest in frustration. "I can't believe I'm being cockblocked by myself!"

I set my mouth in a line, trying very hard to keep myself from laughing at that. Because yeah, that's pretty much what's happening. "There will be other nights, Killian. Other nights where you won't be so drunk, and you'll be glad we waited."

Another sigh. "If you say so." He says, flopping back dramatically onto the couch beside me.

I give his leg a pat, and then get up to take our plates and glasses back to the kitchen. I put them into the sink, along with the pots of ruined spaghetti, and leave them to soak. I'll do them before I leave. Then I grab two bottles of water from the fridge and rejoin him on the couch.

"Here. Time to start sobering up." I tell him.

He takes the bottle and takes a sip. "Thanks."

I nod, taking a sip of my own. "I think perhaps next time we should probably not drink."

"Yeah...that might be a good idea." He says as he sprawls out, putting his legs on my lap and draping his arm over the end of the couch.

Out of habit, I automatically begin massaging his feet, earning a long, satisfied moan.

"That feels amazing."

I glance down, finally realizing what I'm doing, and smile. "I used to do this every night for Andrea after she got home from work. Being in heels all day is a killer on the feet."

"Is the pain of walking in heels something you've experienced before?" he teases.

I give the bottom of his foot a light, playful swat and he laughs.


"Serves you right." I tell him as I resume rubbing his feet.

He relaxes again. "I really wish I didn't have to go to work tonight." He says, after a few minutes of silence.

"It's just a week though, right? Then you'll be back on your regular schedule."

He sighs. "Yeah, I know, but I just really want to stay here. You know, with you. I like hanging out with you."

I try to suppress the giddy smile that threatens to spread across my lips at that, as a warm feeling blooms in my chest. "Is that because I give such good food rubs?" I tease, earning another chuckle.

"Yeah, that's definitely the only reason." He teases right back. "Seriously though, I like you. I like you a lot."

And I know he's drunk, and that's probably what's making his tongue so loose, but that time I smile as well. "I like you a lot too, Killian." I tell him. And I really wish you didn't have to go either. 

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