The Call - Jack

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"Umm...Mr. Darcy? Sir?"

I jump, startled, my brain taking a moment to catch up with where I am before I calm down. Asleep. Did I really just fall asleep? At work? Christ, Jack! I silently curse.

My assistant, Marshal, stands beside me, fidgeting nervously.

I rub my hands over my face. I'm exhausted, and I have been all week. Ever since Killian and I started spending all of our free nights together. He's insatiable, and I'm only now beginning to see where our age difference becomes an issue. My body just can't keep up with such little sleep. "Did you need something?"

Marshal nods. "I'm sorry to wake you, sir, but your daughter is on line one."

Maddi? No, no, it must be Alice.

"Do you want me to have her call back?"

I shake my head. "No, it's fine. Thank you." I tell him, waiting until he's left the room to pick up the phone. "Alice?"

"Hi dad."

"Is everything alright?" I ask, knowing it's odd of her to be calling my office instead of my cell. Actually, it's odd of her to be calling at all.

She pauses. "Yeah...yeah, I just..."

I wait, trying to ignore the anxious thoughts beginning to push their way into my head.

"Can you come get me?" she asks, her voice breaking.

"Get you?" I ask. Alice is in college. She doesn't live in the city anymore. Did she fly in early for the holidays? Did something happen?

"Yeah. I know you're at work, and I know you're busy, but, I need you."

"Give me the address." I tell her, ignoring the rest of my own questions. It doesn't matter where she is, something is wrong.

She gives me the address – it's here in the city, far from where she's supposed to be right now – and then we hang up. I grab my jacket off the back of my chair and head out.

"Cancel the rest of my day." I tell Marshal on my way through, not even bothering to stop.

I don't know what's going on, but it's urgent. Alice doesn't call me. She just doesn't. She took the divorce harder than my other kids; she's held me accountable for ruining our family ever since. So, for her to push that all aside and ask me for help...this isn't good. 

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