Pennelope "Penn" Waters

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Hey there you guys! It's Jay here, let's get this Sue-Scanning started!

Full Name: Pennelope "Penn" Waters

Age: 12 as of 2015

Race: Asian, Elf

Gender: Female

Height: 3 feet 5 inches

Hair Length: Short with bangs and a little section of hair that's a few inches longer than the rest

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark brown

Outfit That You Would Most Likely See Your Character Wearing: A random mesh of fandom merch

Era: The present but a fantasy AU

Relatives: Older sister, mother, father

Crush: None

Significant Other: None

Backstory: As a young elf, Penn was always the artist of her class. She never really fancied too much attention but was glad she had a way of connecting with people. She had some very close friends and continues to hang out with them now. She was also very good at academics but never quite the best which she liked since she'd rather be reading manga than accepting rewards. She pretty much grew up as a normal kid until she was eight. Around that time, her clan and the neighboring one were fighting over territorial rights which put Penn in a lot of danger. Elves trying to kidnap her, fights breaking out and she didn't know how to stop it. She was powerless against it.

Thankfully, the dispute ended and all was well. She never knew exactly why those elves tried to take her as well as her father was but a simple tailor and she was nothing special... that she knows of.

Strengths: Street-smart and creative, she's a problem solving kind of person. She is also very hopeful and optimistic.

Weaknesses/Fears: Deathly afraid of bees, often very naive, gullible, and not very realistic, non-athletic.

Any Extra Details: She always wears a flower crown in memory of one of her best friends that left her. She always made her flower crowns when they would play together. She also has a pet dwarf dragon named Ploof. She has yet to discover that she has a Healing ability that allows her to heal faster and to heal others.

Honey, you had me at flower crowns.

Take notes Mary-Sue writers out there, because this is how you avoid making a Mary-Sue.

Miss Pennelope is absolutely brilliant. Not some overly tragic backstory, she has normal physical features, her life isn't consumed by her crush or significant other- she's nearly perfect!

One of my favorite things about your character, is that you put "gullible" under weaknesses. Most authors would never openly admit something like their precious character has any flaws, especially something like being gullible, they usually just write their terrible story and leave the poor reader wanting to gouge their eyes out because the main character is so damn gullible. But I dunno, just you openly throwing that out there made me happy.

Oh yeah, she has a pet dragon named Ploof.


Is that or is that not just the cutest name ever?

When I finally get my teacup Pomeranian that I have been wanting for months, I am going to name them Ploof, I don't care what their gender is, I am naming my damn dog Ploof. End of story.

However, no character is perfect, and there were just a few small holes in your character's story that can be patched up with probably just a little more explaining.

So Penn would normally be seen wearing a bunch of fandom merch, okay, that makes sense because it is the present, but it's a fantasy AU. What I don't understand is how in her backstory you talked about clans fighting over territory? I don't know much about elves (that's Ahri who's the fantasy expert), but are the clans supposed to represent cities or countries or something like that? Because the term "clans" sounds a little too... medieval I guess for a place in the present, even if it is a fantasy AU. I was just a little bit confused because, I mean, there's gotta be a Hot Topic somewhere so she can get all her merch, right?

And the only other thing that kind of bothered me was the name. Yes, I know that this is the present, but it is also fantasy. Which bugged me just a little bit because I don't understand how Pennelope is a fantasy name, and even if it wasn't a fantasy AU, I don't really know that many people who name their child Pennelope/Penelope anymore. But that's not that big of a deal.

Creativity: 8/10
Uniqueness: 7/10
Cringeworthiness: 1/10
Overall Grade: A

Congratulations! Pennelope here isn't the least bit Mary-Sueish! Thank you for submitting her to us!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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