Chapter Five

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Leon poked at the ice-cubes in his whiskey, pondering on his boredom. There was a waitress to his right innocently telling him when she finished her shift but Leon paid her little attention. Perhaps on another night he'd be interested in the offer, but tonight he held no enthusiasm for any flirtatious advances.

Unlike Calin, who was chatting to a few girls all laughing in perfect unison at whatever joke or anecdote he gave them. Civilian women didn't interest Leon, at least not for more than one night, because it was hard to relate to someone who had not and would not ever experience the things he did. Some Soldiers, on the other hand, preferred the normalcy that came with having a civilian partner; to love and live with someone who didn't wasn't weighed down by the same duties, risks and turmoils. It was a nice idea, but not one Leon wanted to pursue.

Leon turned in his chair, resting his arms back on the bar's edge behind him as he observed the rest of the room. Which was when he spotted Chase at the entrance to the pub, the same detached expression on his face that he was often wearing – especially when Sage was away. When he turned in Leon's direction, Chase made his way over.

'Should've known you'd be here,' he said as he shook Leon's hand in greeting.

'Well, it was supposed to be a boys' night out, but Calin's become a bit... preoccupied,' Leon replied, tipping his head in Calin's direction.

'So why are you still here?'

Leon shrugged. 'Normally Sage cooks tonight.'


Leon shrugged again and downed the last of his drink.

'Oi, Leon!' someone yelled out over the crowd, a distinct slur in the words.

Leon stepped off his stool. 'Over here.'

'There's some uh, whaddya call it? Jun-Soldier! Yeah, he's outside with a message from the Renark for you, Dinella and your student.'

'Ex-student,' Chase muttered.

It had always bewildered Leon how the Renark seemed to know, or at least anticipate, where her Crest Soldiers would be when they were off duty. Despite that, Leon had never dared to ask – he was confident he didn't want to know.

Leon glanced over at Calin, but he knew pulling him away from his new fans would be a challenge. What would make Calin leave a group of beautiful women?

Another beautiful woman, of course.

Chase headed for the door while Leon made his way through the bar's patrons to Calin. He clapped his friend good-naturedly on the shoulder and Calin grinned across at him. 'Leon, buddy, have you met—'

Leon cut him off as he leaned in and said, 'There's someone I want you to meet. A gorgeous woman is waiting outside, I asked her to wait while I came to find you.'

'Really?' said Calin, his eyes alighting. 'Well, I better not keep her waiting too long.'

With the other women well and truly forgotten, Calin headed for the door. He stepped outside and Leon was a moment behind him, and when Calin found no woman waiting outside – only Chase and the Jun-Soldier – he said, 'Where is she?'

'Where's who?' asked Leon, joining Chase.

'The woman.'

'What woman?'

'The woman you said was waiting for me.'

'Oh, that woman,' Leon said. 'She doesn't exist. This Soldier has a message from the Renark.'

Calin glowered at Leon but turned his attention to the young Jun-Soldier nonetheless.

'The Renark has asked me to escort you to the front gates,' said the Jun-Soldier. 'She expressed the urgency, so please follow me.'

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