Chapter Forty Two - Fortress of Stone

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The two groups had reunited at the opposite end of the stone bridge, and the tension from the Shadow Soldiers had been palpable while they travelled through the dense mist that had settled over the bridge. Chase, admittedly, took some satisfaction out of their discomfort, but he also couldn't blame them for their wariness; they likely expected an ambush of Snow Soldiers – despite what the captain had said – to come from within the mist. True to the captain's word, the Snow Soldiers they came across didn't even raise an eyebrow at the passing Shadow Soldiers.

Once the second group made it across the bridge, the captain and the second Snow Soldier took their leave and the Shadow Soldiers shook some of the tension off their shoulders. Together, they made their way out of the small town known as Stone's End and into the stone canyons beyond which represented the unmarked territory outside Stone Flats. There weren't many areas with tree-coverage, but those that were bore only the tall, bare trees that withstood the harsh winds that frequented the canyons. It was easy to get wind-burnt while crossing the rocky terrain, and whilst there was a safer path for travelers to use that snaked through the lower levels of the canyons everyone knew that it would be too easy to be ambushed.

So they trekked precariously across the crags, regardless of being out in the open and easy to spot from a distance. The same went for anyone trying to approach them. Besides, even Chase knew that Bryce and RedEarth had the upper hand here; they wouldn't bother moving Sage somewhere else when they had the home advantage.

Chase, using his winter cloak to ward off the bitter bite of the winds and protect his face, looked across both the Crest Soldiers and Shadow Soldiers who had scattered around him. It was obvious they were all exhausted, because even the Shadow Soldiers had fought fiercely in Lion Crest - Chase wouldn't deny that - and, this time, he wouldn't argue if someone suggested they find some sheltered to rest in. He didn't think anyone would though.

While Toren led the group, Dante and Nox kept to the flank. Raidan had strayed a little way from the group, but never too far, and Leon remained somewhere in the middle of everyone with Trey talking quietly beside him. They were probably discussing strategy, but Chase couldn't eavesdrop while the shrill wind whipped between them. He didn't even think there was much of a strategy they could formulate until they saw RedEarth's hideout, and even then they would be going in blind. Toren had admitted that neither one of them had personally seen the RedEarth base; their information was solely word-of-mouth.

They'd have to make it up as they went.

Pulling his hood further down over his eyes, Chase looked again to Raidan. The anger that swelled inside him at the sight of his brother was instinctive, but only recently had he taught himself how to contain it, and only recently did he understand that containing his anger was the only way he would be able to remedy his friendship with Sage. So with a slow exhale, Chase made his way toward Raidan.

Raidan didn't say anything as Chase sidled up beside him, though with the uneven ground keeping directly beside him wasn't easy, and Chase caught the moment where Raidan forced the frustration and worry out of his expression, becoming unreadable again.

Chase, having barely had a proper conversation with Raidan in six years, didn't bother with pleasantries. 'Is it true you didn't kill Dean?'

'Admittedly, that wasn't the question I was expecting you'd ask,' Raidan replied, sparing Chase a pointed look, 'given how long it took you to come over and ask it.'

Chase bristled, but calmed himself when he realised Raidan was only baiting him. He let out a weary sigh and said, 'Do you always have to be an asshole?'

'I can answer that!' Nox called from behind them.

Chase glanced back to Nox just as Dante elbowed him in the ribs.

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