Chapter Twenty Seven - Loose Ends

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Leon was rigid as he strolled back down the corridor of the Intensive Care Unit alongside the medic Lelah, the smell of antiseptic and the distant sounds of voices over nearby speakers bringing back memories that reminded Leon why he hated infirmaries. Fortunately, this time he was in the infirmary knowing that the person he was visiting would be walking out. It made being within the building bearable.

Of course, this was the second time they made their way to Sage's room since the first they both occupants of the room had been fast asleep. Leon couldn't help but grin thinking about it; they had peered through the window of Sage's door to see Sage and Raidan both in the narrow hospital bed, Raidan propped up against the pillows with Sage tucked into his side, shielded by Raidan's arm around her shoulders.

Quite a sight indeed, considering the years Sage had spent nursing her hatred for Raidan. He understood now that hatred had never truly been at the heart of Sage's feelings; it had been betrayal. Clearly, Raidan had earned that trust back.

Leon couldn't say he understood this... relationship between them and what they had shared to change Sage's feelings, but oddly enough seeing them together felt right. As if it had always meant to be this way.

Now, he – and everyone else – just had to accept it.

'You sure they're awake this time?' asked Leon.

'Yes. One of the nurses just came screaming down the hall when she saw Raidan Suragi emerge from Sage's room,' Lelah answered, chuckling. 'This is the most amount of action this building has seen for quite some time now.'

Leon grinned. 'I can see you miss me.'

He and Lelah had somewhat of a history, after he had been a part of a young group of Jun-Soldiers assigned to Green Coast in an "exchange program" the two regions regularly conducted. Not just that, but Leon had often been brought to Green Coast's infirmary when he had been injured on a mission and couldn't make it back to Lion Crest.

'Miss you? I clearly recall myself and several other medics tyring to discharge you as quickly as possible, but your frequent escape attempts often delayed that,' Lelah replied. 'I've almost lost count of the many stories you told in order to sneak out of the infirmary.'

Content to reminisce, Leon said, 'That's right. I do recall convincing a nurse that I was a medic who was waiting for my uniform to been cleaned, in order to explain my... flattering hospital gown.'

'Yes, hilarious,' said Lelah, though her tone implied the opposite. 'You know, a counsellor could help you with your phobia.'

'Why does everyone assume I have a phobia?'

Lelah gave him a pointed look. 'Because you do.'

'I certainly don't. I just have a severe aversion to stepping foot in an infirmary.'

'Which is a polite way of defining a phobia,' said Lelah.

Leon was about to protest further when Sage's door up ahead swung open and Sage herself walked out, reaching up in a very cat-like stretch.

Lelah look again to Leon, unamused, and said, 'If I hadn't known she was adopted, I would think she takes after you.'

Leon decided to humour her. 'I can't see the resemblance.'

'Oh? You don't think her being up and about despite almost dying yesterday is reminiscent of your— Sage Lycrart, don't you dare walk away! Where is your IV?' Lelah shouted, marching toward Sage.

Sage turned toward her in surprise, but then she smiled as she saw Leon. Leon chuckled and said, 'You should listen to the medic, Sage. She does know best.'

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