The Tiny

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I was running! Running faster and faster! I ran, brushing grass blades from my face, running from the giant spider. Normally, I would have used the tiny spear I made from a twig in order to fight it off, but this guy was just too big. To me, this spider is 20 feet tall, and much bigger wide. Oh yeah, probably should have told you this from the get go, but I am a one inch tall person. Yeah you heard me right, one inch. I have been that way all my life. Naturally, I am very scared of most things, like people for instance. But you would be surprised what you learn from your TVs. But back to my current problem, the spider. I finally made it to the pavement, where I could be more easily seen, but the spider would be even more easily seen than I would. Suddenly, I looked behind me and was so close to the spider, I could see my reflection in its eyes. "Well shit." I muttered under my breath. Then, out of nowhere, a shrill scream rang out and a giant foot squashed the spider flat. I thanked The Lord, and looked up at my rescuer and was shocked to see her looking right back at me, mouth agape. I stopped running, and stared back at her. I had seen many woman before, but this one was different. She captured my attention differently, and I felt... Strange emotions flood through me. I am used to fear and anger, as well as sadness, but I haven't felt this one before. She crouched down to get a better look at me.

"Hello? I can see you are human, but do you speak? I won't hurt you I promise." I was still staring when I realized she asked me a question. I thought of how to answer her. I wanted to introduce myself, but I never actually had a name. As long as I remember I had been this small and never needed to say a name, so I had to think of one. I remembered one thing, strange but I decided I would use its name as my own, as I had none.

"Cole. My name is Cole. You won't hurt me?" She stood quickly back up in shock, but every motion seemed to have a grace to it. She definitely had the look of shock. She had a normal sized nose. She had very pretty green eyes. Her hair in the light looked almost red, but when out of the light, I could tell it was just a dark brown. She had a cap on though. As it was the face I focused on the most, I really didn't take note of the rest of her body. And her eyes, those amazing green eyes of hers, they conveyed immense emotion. She quickly recovered from her initial shock of me speaking and crouched back down.

"Yes, how could anyone try to hurt you? You are defenseless! And so tiny..." I noted her concern and worry in her eyes. It seemed as though she wouldn't hurt me, but I had been fooled in the past before. Some woman will do anything to have the kind of power you can only have when you are dealing with someone as tiny as me. And that has lead to a couple fears, such as mouths. A shiver passes through my mind when I remember how close I got to ending up in a stomach that day. I realize she is saying something else now. "I'm going to lower my hand down now, could you climb into it? I need to head home soon, my parents will kill me if I am out too late jogging." Her enormous palm lowers itself a mere foot from me. When it lands, I feel the warmth of her palm radiating from her to me. It is comforting. Also it is different. All the other people who have tried to keep me always had really cold hands, but she had warm ones. Could this mean something about her? I quickly go over to her hand and I climb on and sit down. Suddenly I find myself feeling some g-forces as she lifts her hand. It wasn't too bad, I could tell she was being gentle, but I could still feel the feeling of being sent to the floor. We quickly started to walk off, her trying to keep her hand from moving too much. I loved the softness of her hand beneath me and was tempted to just lay down and enjoy the softness and warmth of her hand, but I was still a little nervous. "Uhh... I just realized. You are uh... Naked..." I didnt quite understand what was so bad.

"Huh? Naked? What is bad about being naked? And what is naked?" She blushed and giggled a little bit.

"Well, naked means you have no clothes covering indecent spots. And well, it is bad because it means I see all parts of you. Regular society sees that as bad. I suppose the way you have been living, you wouldn't understand nakedness..." I realize what she is talking about and cover my indecent part. She giggles and blushes. Suddenly, we are in front of a huge wall of wood. It has this knob like thing on one side and a small window at the top. I realize this must be a door. Could this be what a home is? "We are here! I'm going to need to close my hand so that my parents don't see you but I won't squeeze. I promise." Suddenly, my world is filled with her tree-trunk like fingers. I quickly settle myself into a groove in between her fingers and get as comfy as I can. She responds with a light squeeze and starts walking. I don't understand what exactly is going on, but I hear some talking, then her going more quickly and going up some stairs. I hear what I assume is a door opening and closing quickly. Then her hand opens again and I am flooded with light. I see her room. She has a nice room, a cool looking desk, a huge bed, and a tv! She sets me on a pillow and I lay down and am suddenly bounced up as she flops down on the bed herself. I see something on the far wall that reads 10:05 PM.

"Hey... Uh I don't know your name, but uh... What's that on your wall over there? The thing that has numbers on it?" She looks over at me, with puzzlement in her face. I point over to the number thing. Her eyes widen and I get the feeling that she wasn't expecting that.

"That's a clock, and that time means it is time for me to get to sleep!" I realize that means I will likely be put on a desk or somewhere but I really don't want to leave her. For some reason, I feel more safe around her than I have been around other people who have found me. I quickly run to the side of her leg and hug it. It was going to take me kicking and screaming before I go anywhere. She looks down at her leg and sees me hugging it. I look at her face and watch as it melts. She reaches down and pets me and asks me "what's wrong? Why are you hugging my leg Cole?"

"I don't want to be placed on a desk or something like I have been with others. I want to be with you and warm. Not on a cold desk or shoebox." I hug her leg tighter, remembering the nights when a random spider or something showed up, or that really bad time where my owner had my shoebox on the floor next to her bed and forgot I was there and... Well I almost got squished that day. I hear a huge awww from above and suddenly I am picked up. I am in her palm again and I sit up this time and look at her face. All I see in her green eyes is absolute adoration. Almost like I am some sort of... Pet? No, I am my own person. I need to make sure she knows this. "You know, I know I am small, but I am still my own person. I may want comfort but that makes me no less my own person. I am not a pet." Her eyes quickly change to... Something close to adoration but this one is different somehow, it doesn't feel so much like I am just some pet this time. She places me on her chest, and I feel myself go up and down and feel her heartbeat below me. The warmth is so immense and comforting. I hear her say something but I am already half asleep, her heartbeat like a sweet lullaby from a mother.

"I am sorry, I know you aren't a pet, it is just so strange to have someone so small and not be a pet. By the way, I forgot to tell you my own name. My full name is Danielle, but you can call me Dani." She smiles at this last part and turns off the light. I think I finally figured out what emotions I was feeling earlier. I think I fell in love with this giant woman named Dani...

Authors note:

Well, this is my first attempt at a story on here. I hope you guys like it! :) well, let me know what you guys think, and



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