The First Morning

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I awoke with a start. The surface I was on seemed to be moving, and quickly! Then I remember where I fell asleep last night and hang on to the fabric of Dani's shirt as best as I can as she wakes up. I hear a huge gasp from above and am quickly covered by Dani's huge hand. The softness and warmth make me want to just snuggle in her hand but I know I need to let her know I was there. "Dani! I am under your hand Dani!" I yell.

"Oh god, where did he go? I don't want him getting hurt." I was touched by her concern, but she didn't seem to hear me. I decide to try squirming around to maybe make her feel me. "Is that? Could that be him squirming under my hand?" She said. I am slowly rolled backwards into her palm as she removes it from her chest. When it is fully horizontal, I stand up and wave up to her. She smiles at my tiny gesture and slowly and carefully gets up, trying to keep her hand steady. I yell up to her, "Maybe you should put me on your head! That way I could hold on to something and not fall off if you move the wrong way." She smiles at my, what was probably to her, high pitched talking.

"That sounds like a good idea, hang on." She says as she removes her hat. She must have really been tired last night to fall asleep in everything she was wearing yesterday. I smile at the thought, and hang on to her pointer finger as she brings it over her head. She brings down the finger I am hanging on to her forest of blonde hair. I let go and the finger recedes and suddenly I am covered in shadow as she puts her hat back on. I grab onto a random strand of hair and yank a little to let her know I am ready. The hair feels like silk under my hand, and I rub my face into it a bit cause it feels just so good! I breath, getting ready for her first move and smell her hair in the process. It smelled great, amazing even. That was a bit strange considering she hadn't even showered yet. But anyway, so the first step of her day was apparently, getting out of her old clothes and getting in new ones. Her head shook around because she had to maneuver her shirt over her hat lip, as she had to keep the hat on to ensure I wouldn't fall off her head easily. A double insurance you could say. Now her head is moving a different way, more like as if she was walking. Maybe she is going shower? The shadow goes away and I feel her fingers wrap around me. She sets me on some type of table with a sink in the middle of it. Ooooh, this must be her bathroom! She sheds off a tiny piece if her soap and starts up the sink, letting it fill with water. "You are kinda filthy, so you need to take a bath. I got some more stuff to do, so you wash up while I finish getting ready for the day." She tests the water with her finger, decides it is right, and leaves, closing the door behind her. I finally remember my last thought last night.

"I think I love Dani... Maybe that is a hasty and rash thought. Maybe it is true, but I should see how she is for longer than an hour." I say out loud. I do a cannonball into the sink, as it was kinda deep, and grab the soap she left in there for me. I dive back in to make my body wet enough to lather up with soap. I start to lather up and once I am done, I dive in again. Then I repeat one more time. After that, I just sorta floated there, not really sure what Dani wanted me to do after that. One thing I failed to notice before I jumped in was that once I jumped in, I wouldn't be able to get back out, as the sides were too slippery. She comes back in and looks at the hand towel, apparently expecting me to be there, drying off. She looked in the sink and saw me on my seventh attempt of trying to scale the walls. Once again, I failed and sunk back under the water level. She giggled and scooped me out. I just lay there in her palm, panting from the exertion of staying afloat with nothing to walk on for 30 minutes. She slowly dries me off with the hand towel, me only being able to lie there for a few minutes, at which Dani smiled at.

"So what do you want to do? I got nothing to do..." I hear her say from my state of recovery. As I sit back up, I don't really feel like doing much, then my stomach growls rather loudly. I had forgotten that the last time I ate was some bread crumbs I found in someone's kitchen two days ago. I was HUNGRY! I ask, "could I have something to eat? I am very hungry, and it doesn't take much to fill me up." She smiles at my politeness I assume, and says,

"Sure, lets go down to the kitchen to grab something to eat."

Authors note-

Lol, as much as I hate cliffhangers, this one I gotta make it a cliffhanger. Tell me what you thought of this chapter and I promise, the next one will have a bit more action involved :D. Be sure to



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