Accidents Happen

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The cold metal of the fork slowly gave way to the heat of the scrambled eggs. It was a peculiar sensation, feeling the cold drain away from something and melt into heat. It was strange, this moment seemed to go on forever. I was able to see the details of the saliva dripping off of Dani's tongue, the cracks in her big red lips, the white teeth just waiting to crush the eggs into manageable pieces. I wanted to scream, but nothing in my body was able to. I wanted to move, but I was locked in place out of fear... I'd only been this close to this body part one other time in my life. I survived by hanging onto the hangy bit at the end of the throat. She threw up and I escaped again. I vowed on that day never to let myself get anywhere near that close to a mouth ever again. And yet, here is a mouth again, ready to eat me again. Only this time, it was someone I felt I could trust who would eat me.

But like all moments, even that moment had to come to pass, and I found myself inside the dank, humid mouth. On the outside, her breath was minty, but in here, I could smell more from the pit of her stomach. Decay and rotting were the smells of the day here. She still had her mouth open, and i was still unable to make a move or a sound. The fork dumped the contents of itself on Dani's bumpy, slimy tongue and every nerve went haywire. I finally could move! I could speak!

I ran after the fork, hoping i could get back on and out of this hellhole, but it was far too late. The fork disappeared behind closing lips, and all the light was shut out.

"DANIIII! I'M IN HERE DANI!" I screamed with all my might. But nothing changed. Nothing indicated she even heard me. And at that, her tongue roared to life. I was flipped to and fro. I was tossed to her cheek, soft and wet as it was, and back onto her tongue, the bumpy, moving snake monster that it was. I managed to crawl my way away from her tongue and attempted to climb her teeth to get to the inside of her cheek. I would be safe there. I got one arm up, as she threw a piece of egg between her teeth. My eyes widened in horror, anticipating what would happen and tried to move my arm away from her teeth, but she was too quick... CRUUUUUNCH! "AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed in agony and fear. My arm, the strong arm that helped me fend off the monsters of the outside world, climb to places to keep safe from both them and humans, my strongest and dominant arm, my right arm. It was gone. Nothing remained of it. It was a bloody stump. The blood cascaded down her teeth, going under her gums and staining her white teeth.

"Hmm? What was that crunchy thing I just snapped on?!" Her voice boomed in the distance. I could barely hear the voice that should have been world-encompassing. Two massive pads reach down from the light and grab me by the waist. "Cole?! Wait... Oh my god! What happened to your arm?!" I cried and squirmed, desperate to get away. All I saw was something to be feared. There wasn't a human, there was just bloodthirsty machine that I needed to stay away from at all costs...

"Get away from me!" I screamed as my voice clawed apart my throat. "Stay away! You ate my arm! You are a monster!" I managed to squirm free and landed hard on my feet. I took off running God knows where. Suddenly I blocked by a massive wall of flesh, with five fleshy digits blocking the back way. I was stuck in her hands. I started crying, slumping down. How could I expect to live in this world of giants... They were just too big. And I was far too small...

Authors notes: well, sorry for the late updates :/ got a job, like i explained in the comments, and its all really wonky. But, i found time to make a new chapter for this. It was honestly extremely hard to write this :( but i knew what had to be done to progress the story. Trust me, this will make it the better story in the long run. And yes, i have been practicing my writing again simply because i wanted to make sure this was a great chapter :) i hope you enjoy it while i go cry myself to sleep with what i just did to my favorite character (the ironic twist, the reader maims his favorite character when he already hates it in books xD)

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