Chapter 1

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"Night, night buddy". I whispered to my son, as I closed the door of his bedroom.

"Ight, daie". I heard him whisper back, already half asleep.

Walking over to my daughter's bedroom, I noticed her light was still on.

"Shouldn't you go to bed"? I asked her, seeing her reading in bed.

"Yeah, I will soon; just this last chapter". She smiled at me.

"Ok, don't forget your light; sleep tight love". I told her, walking over and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Good night dad". She said as I turned around.

After closing her door; I sighed and went back downstairs to turn on the patio light. Every night I leave the light on incase Ng comes home.

Walking back upstairs I walked to my bedroom and over to the bathroom. After doing the ritual bed routine; I climbed in bed and looked at the empty side of the big bed.


"Looks like Ng can't say bye to Luke". Beth smiled as she came over to where I sat.

It had been 45 minutes since she dropped our son Luke of at my brother's place. The best man and maid of honor dance was long over and I wondered where my wife was.

Feeling my cellphone vibrate in my pocket, I took it out and saw my brother's name flashing.

"Hey Caleb; looks like my wife can't say bye to our son". I smiled.

"That's why I'm calling; isn't she back at the wedding? Knowing Ng, who forgets fast, both Steph and me thought she went back to the wedding instead of going to your place to grab a pajama for Luke". I heard my brother say.

"I'm not following". I said, frowning and walked out of the room.

"When Ng came here, she noticed she forgot a pajama for Luke. Said she was going over to your place to grab one and come back. That was over about 45 minutes ago, so we thought Ng forgot about it and went back to the wedding party". My brother explained.

"She hasn't turned up here. I'll go home and see if she's there. She probably fell asleep". I told my brother.

Stopping where Jess and Ty stood talking to Luda and his wife I told them I was going home, to see where Ng was.

Arriving in our street I noticed the lights were on and saw my wife's car parked in front of the garage, so I felt myself calm down, knowing Ng was at home.

I stopped on our driveway and saw our front door wide open.

Feeling the hairs in my neck stand up, I knew something was not right. Stepping out of the car without locking it, I ran inside.

"NG"?! I yelled out loud, but no response came.

I ran around the house, looking in every room for a sign of my wife, but she was nowhere to be seen.


Jolting awake, I looked around the dark room, while trying to calm my rapid breathing.

Ever since last year, I've been having trouble sleeping. The times I did find sleep; it was disturbed by dreaming of the night of her disappearance.

Seeing it was 1 o'clock in the night; I knew I've slept for a good two hours. More than other nights.

Going downstairs, I took a bottle of water out of the fridge and took a large gulp.

Looking around the living room; my thoughts went back to that night.


"Hey bro, is Ng at home"? Caleb said as soon as he picked up.

"Caleb, I need you.... NOW" I said, feeling my voice break.

"I'm coming". He said, closing the phone.

While waiting for my brother I felt at the patio doors, but they were still locked, so she couldn't be at the beach.

"What's wrong"? I heard, turned around and saw my brother standing in the door way. Caleb was about to close the door when I yelled out:

"Don't close the door"!

"Whoa Paul, what's going on; where's Ng"? Caleb asked again, jumping in fright.

"She's, she's not here.... Something's wrong Caleb, my gut is telling me something is seriously wrong".

"You need to call the cops; it's way too late for her to be somewhere else, except my place, where she isn't or back at the party". Caleb said, walking over.

"My thoughts exactly. But I'm gonna try Cody's first. Maybe Ng went over there". I said.

"We haven't seen Ng this evening; what's going on Paul"? My youngest brother asked me.

"She's gone". I simply said, feeling tears burn.

"What?! Ng wouldn't just leave you"! Cody said and I knew he was right.

"Call the cops, I'm coming over". He added and hung up.

Feeling my legs give away, I sat down on the floor and burst out crying.


Shaking the thoughts from my head, I walked to the living room and looked at the pictures on the long cabinet.

Taking a picture of our wedding day I wondered out loud where Ng could be.

We didn't have a fight that day, or the weeks before her disappearance. The cops thought she ran away, until they found a grey piece of fabric in the laundry room that contained chloroform.

That was enough evidence to assume Ng was taken from our home.

"Please come back babe". I said, letting my finger trace Ng on the picture.

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