Chapter 5

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New Year's Eve comes and goes; while we all try to be as festive as we can.

I haven't heard from Detective Michaels since Christmas; but the fact they have arrested Vanessa and now have a small lead to where my wife could be; is enough to keep that small fire of hope burning.

It's the end of January and I'm saying bye to my daughter and son. I'm going to New York to start filming Fast eight or F8 (Faith) as we also call the movie.

Jenessa introduced me to Molly; one of her best nannies and I have the full confidence she'll be a great nanny. Meadow instantly liked her a lot and even Luke seems to like her.

As I board the plane; Vin slaps my shoulder and asks me how I'm doing.

During the flight, that lasts a bit longer than four hours, I tell him about Meadow's question at Christmas day, which never left my thoughts.

"Why hasn't she come home to us"? I finish sighing.

"There are lots of reasons as to why Ng hasn't come home yet and the one I think is that maybe she scared". Vin says.

"Scared"? I ask confused.

"Maybe she thinks you believe she's dead and that you moved on. A year is very long Pablo, lots can happen in 365 days". Vin tells me.

"True; but I would never move on; I need her with me". I tell him, but I understand it now.

"It will be too late when we'll land in New York and we won't be able to have a look around till the day after tomorrow; when we have a day off before shooting really starts. Don't rush things; we'll find her". Vin assures me and I nod.

"Thanks Bro". I tell him while we give a handshake.


Arriving at the set, we are guided to our trailers. Before emptying my suitcase, I grab my cell and call home.

"Walker's resident, this is Molly speaking". I hear and smile.

"Hello Molly; this is Paul. I'm sorry to call this late; but I wanted to let you know; I've arrived at my trailer. Is Meadow still awake"? I ask her.

"Hi Paul; let me see. Meadow said night some minutes ago; I'll go check and see if she's still awake". Molly responses and I know she smiles.

While she goes upstairs, I remember Jenessa telling me; how Molly appreciates it when her 'bosses' who have to go on a trip; call her to say they arrived safely.

I don't mind at all; cause I am the same kind of person. I'd always feel better knowing the other arrived safely, wherever they have to go.

"Hey dad". I hear my daughter, snapping me out of my thoughts.

We talk a little bit, before saying goodnight.

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