Chapter 4

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AN: Sorry I didn't update yesterday; had a meeting that took longer than I thought...


Arriving at the police station I notice Jesse standing there.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you celebrate the holidays with your family"? I ask surprised.

"I was, until Detective Michaels called me. You need someone here with you Paul". Jesse says.

Giving him a bro hug, I take a deep breath and together we enter the police station.

Immediately we're greeted by Michaels, who takes us to a quiet room.

"We have a lead". He says, opening the door and letting us walk inside.

"You have"? I ask surprised and hopeful.

"After I called you this morning I got a call from a man saying I needed to look out for a Miss Davis.

Said she had something to do with Ng being gone".

"Who's Miss Davis"? I ask. Somehow that name sounds familiar, but I can't place where I know that name from.

"Miss Vanessa Davis. After more searching I found out she used to be the nanny of your daughter". Michaels says.

Both Jesse and I look surprised as Michaels tells us this information.

"She's the one who took Ng"? I ask confused.

"She did; we arrested her later today. When she was about to board a plane to New York".

"Was my wife with her"? I ask hopeful, but seeing the look in the detective's eyes tells me enough.

"No she was not. However Vanessa keeps telling us, Ng managed to escape. One of her goons traced your wife all the way to New York. Miss Davies wanted to go and look herself. We've notified the authorities in New York and they'll have a look out".

"Did Vanessa say why she took Ng"? Jesse asks softly.

"Not really; all she said was Ng took her man away, assuming she meant Paul. When she heard about their marriage and later their baby, she lost it. She planned to kidnap Ng and later on take her place". Michaels explained.

"No one can replace my wife". I say angry.

"That's not the case Paul. She wanted to kill Ng and after a year come into your life again; with the hope you'd start something with her". Michaels tells us.

"But Ng's been gone almost for a year; where, I mean how did... why did she keep her so long"? I ask feeling more confused.

"That is something Miss Davis keeps to herself, for now. We found the address where she held Ng though, in Santa Monica". Michaels says, looking at me and waiting for the response he knows is coming.

"You're telling me all this time, my wife was only a good two hours away"? I yell out shocked.

"Was, cause Miss Davis explained Ng, managed to escape at the end of august".


Driving back to my parent's place I feel in a daze. Yes it's very good news the detective has a lead. But it's also disturbing to know Vanessa is behind Ng's disappearance.

Jesse came with me as I explain it all to my family. Even though I want to take the first plane to New York; I know I can't. New York is a big city; it will take days to search the 'City That Never Sleeps'.

Going outside I call Jess and Beth to inform them on the lead in Ng's disappearance.

We agree to keep our hopes positive and let the cops handle the case.


On Christmas day I stay home with my children.

Meadow knows there's a lead; but she also knows not to get too much hope.

We finish watching out third Christmas movie when I notice my son falling asleep; so I take him upstairs to his bed.

Taking the baby-phone in my hand I walk back downstairs and ask my daughter if she wants to eat some s'mores.

"Sure, sounds fun". Meadow says. Standing up, she walks over to the kitchen, while I put some more logs on the fire.


"Dad"? Meadow asks, as we sit in front of the fire, holding the twigs in the flames.


"Do you think Ng will ever come back to us? I mean the cops have a lead; but they still don't know where she is". She says.

I look at her and see her starring in the fire.

"What do you mean come back to us"? I say confused.

This time my daughter looks at me and I see tears shining in her eyes.

"Well you said, Ng managed to escape in august.... it's December now. Why hasn't she returned to us? She knows where we live.... I just don't understand dad". My daughter explains, before leaning into my side and starting to cry.

I can't say anything right away, cause I've been wondering the same.

"Maybe she can't, pumpkin. I know for sure Ng loves us too bits. There has to be a logic reason as to why she hasn't made contact or even hasn't come home yet". I tell my daughter in all honesty.

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