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Dinah's POV

I am crying in the hospital. When I dropped y/n at her house she was so scared to go in but eventually she did. I stayed parking for a little bit just in case but when I heard a loud crash I ran in the house and saw y/n on the floor with blood everywhere.

I was so mad and sad. Mad of her dad because he thinks it's okay to do this kind i stuff. He could be in jail by now but he threatened y/n to not. I could've gave him a poly beat down years ago but y/n wouldn't let me

The hospital door opened..

Camila's POV

"Can you drive any faster ally!?" I screamed at her
"Camila! The speed limit is only 35 miles per hour!"
I groaned my head back. I tried not thinking of what's it gonna be like when we see her. I tried holding back tears. Lauren was crying when we entered the car which made me cry harder.

When we entered the hospital, I couldn't take it anymore. The tears were  rolling down. All I want to do right now is to see y/n and know everything's ok.

"We're here for y/n y/l/n" normani said in the verge of tears.

"Girls.." A voice croaked behind us.
It was Dinah. It was pretty obvious that she has been crying her eyes out but I understand why.
"D!" Normani shed a few tears and went over to hug Dinah. We all went to join in the depressing hug.

"The doctors haven't said anything yet.." Dinah informed.
"Who did this to her? What happened?" Lauren asked
Dinah bit on her lip. Hesitantly she said "I don't know if I should tell you guys.."
"You can trust us D" ally said caring.
Dinah let a loud huff out. "Okay. So it was her dad. For the past few years when y/n's mom died her dad has been abusing her. She'd come to me every time when it gets too out of hand. And as you can see it did this time." Dinah said with tears

"Omg!" "Poor y/n!!" "That bitch of a father" the girls said at once.
I stood frozen. I was feeling rage. But also more sad.
When y/n told me they weren't at good terms, she didn't tell me it was this bad!

I feel like a terrible person. I let her go to the path of her possible death..

"Y/n y/l/n" a doctor said

All of us ran to him and exploded questions.
"Okay okay. Y/n has 5 broken ribs, 2 fractured knees, and 7 broken bones. I'm sorry to tell you guys but she will be in a coma. And there's a bigger chance of her not waking up" the doctor said sadly.

Everyone was crying by now. No. She is not in a coma. I was crying my heart out on Lauren's shoulder

"C-can we see her" Dinah asked between sobs

"Yes you may. The room is in the 3rd floor in room 1901"
"Thank you"

We all went inside the elevator hugging each other. Neither one of us wanted to say something.

When we were in front of her door I let a shaky breath out. I held on to dinah's arm and normani opened the door.
I gasped at the view. Y/n was bruised everywhere and had lots of wires connected on her arms, yet she is still beautiful. I was so mad at her dad for doing this. What kind of father thinks this is the best for their child!?

Dinah started crying again holding on to her left hand and me holding on her right.

The nurse came in. "Visiting hours are over. You can come in the morning"
Everyone said their goodbyes and planned to meet up here at the hospital in the morning.

"Please wake up soon y/n.."

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