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Camila's POV


I panicked
It's been 7 hours since y/n has just disappeared and we're all worried to death
Especially Dinah, she has been yelling at the cops and crying just as hard as I've been

"We are going to track everywhere down, the security camera has shown that she was kidnapped by a man wearing all black. It didn't show his license plate but we will try the best we can" the officer said

Ally nodded and thanked every policeman

I didn't know that backstage would be the last kiss I'd have from her for a long time. I should have never left her out of my sight I'm such a bad girlfriend!
"No your not." Dinah said with a tear stained face
"I said that out loud?"
"Ya. But it's not your fault chancho. No one would know that some bitch would kidnap y/n. Even though I'm very impatient, If the police said to wait then we'll wait cuz y/n is worth our time" Dinah said very wisely

I soaked in her words and knew she was right. I needed to calm down just a bit and let the cops handle it.

Oh y/n, baby I hope your alright. Please be okay..

Your POV

"So been sneaking out huh?"  


"I saw Dinah at the café the other day, AND THEN YOU"

Double whip.


Triple whip.

I looked down. Never made eye contact. Flinched when the whip made contact with my bare skin though.
Picked a wrong day to wear short sleeves..

"So who was the slut I saw you all close up with?"
This time I shot my head up. Looking at him straight in the eye with rage

"She is no slut, don't you EVER call her that!"
He whipped me again
"DONT EVER TALK BACK AT ME!" His voice boomed, even shaking some chairs

By now both arms are bruised and bleeding badly.
Why? Why did he have to come back in my life when it was getting so much better? Why couldn't he just leave me alone if he hates me so much? Why do I have to be here when I could be cuddling with my Camila, making jokes with Dinah and watching a movie with the girls?

I realized that he left the room. That's when I started to feel something on my face. A tear rolled down and before I know it multiple tears started to stream down my face.
"Wipe them tears off your face and face this like a man." The man who kidnapped me in the first place came in

"You may not know it but I've been with you since you were a baby child. My my, have you grown.." He said in awe
"Exactly who are you?" I asked and sniffed up a tear
"I'm your mom's brother. Your uncle. I'm sorry this happened to you kid but your not the only one troubled with your dad. He threatened to kill my family if I didn't help him, of course I disagreed at first but my wife is having a baby so I agreed but took it easy on you"

I stared at him with a mixed emotion face. He's my uncle? I have an aunt and cousins? I wanted to cry again but held in the tears.
"You were a tough girl when you were little. Got bit when 3 years old by a dog and didn't even flinch! Stay calm and suck in those tears cuz I'm gonna figure a way out for you"
I stayed quiet for a few moments
"T t thank you" I said cracking my voice
He smiled and nodded

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