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Your POV

Dinah and I were dancing and singing our butt off while the girls were performing.
Big Rob said that we were louder than the audience

Camila was looking at me the whole time holding in laughs
I gotta say, those dance moves are so hot!

When they did a booty dance Camila winked at me which just threw me off

Camila's POV

After the concert we all hung out in the dressing room, eating pizza.
"Tag?"  Lauren suggested
"Nah" normani said
"Hide and seek!" Ally said
"Ooh ooh truth or dare!" Dinah suggested
We all looked at each other
I shrugged a sure and the rest said yeah

We all formed a circle. Y/n leaned on me while everyone else sat criss cross
"Okayyyyy..Lauren truth or dare?" Dinah asked
"Boringg! Ok who is the hottest in the room" Dinah asked gesturing herself
"Hmm..obviously me"
Dinah huffed and we all laughed
"Okay y/n truth or dare?"
Dinah and normani whispered something into Lauren's ear while y/n was awfully curious and scared

"I dare you to sexually turn on Camila until it's your turn again"
My eyes widened while y/n smiled evilly
"Okay" y/n slide her hands into my thighs and kept it there. I tensed up

"Hmmm..normani truth or dare?" Y/n asked
"Get me a bottle of water in 10 seconds"
"1" normani got up and sprinted to the kitchen
"WHERES THE WATER!?" Normani screamed running around everywhere
We all laughed our butts off
Normani made it back and threw y/n the water bottle which she caught.
She sat down out of breathe while we were all still laughing
"Ugh I hate and love you y/n.
Okay okay okay Dinah truth or dare?" Normani asked
"Dare girl!"
"I dare you to spray water on will and big rob in the other bus"
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh" we all ooed
".....finee!" Dinah said
We all got up, Dinah filled the water gun, and we all went outside

Y/n stopped me from walking and lead me somewhere in the bus and closed the door
"What are we doing he-" I got cut of with a kiss
The kiss was slow and passionate but got heated quickly.
Y/n started to grab my ass which made me moan
My breathing started to get heavy while I was full on horny for y/n
Then she kissed me all the way down to my belly button and stopped from there
"Okay let's go see Dinah pull that prank!" Y/n said
She walked out and waited for me to follow
"What? You can't just leave me here!......I'm so turned on right now" I said tugging on her shirt and biting my lip
I wanted more with that little tease

Y/n smirked and kissed me
"Your. Adorable. But. You. Have. To. Be . Ready" y/n Said in between kisses
"....I-I am ready!" I hesitated
Y/n raised her eyebrow while I pouted
"Next time. I love you"
"I love you too"
I was still turned on and I wanted to go further but y/n was right
She kissed my neck slowly and long while getting closer to my lady spot but then going back up. Tease.
"Let's go now before they get suspicious of to where we went babe" y/n whispered in my ear
I was still breathing heavy but calming down
I nodded and we went outside after we...fixed ourselves up
The girls were laughing their butts off while will and big rob were chasing Dinah with there own water guns
Y/n and I laughed too
"Hey where were you guys? You missed it all" normani asked

"Oh..nowhere" y/n winked at me

A/n: ER MA GUD! Thank y'all for 5k reads, I REALLLY appreciate it!!
You guys are amazballs thank you for actually reading all this crap! Anyways you look flawless today and awesome, UNTIL NEXT CHAPTER, PEACE POTATOES!!xoxo

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