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Your POV

"Dinah I can explain-" I started but mahone boy cut me off
"I was just showing her around and then she suddenly kissed me!" He lied wrapping his arms around Dinah

"I did not! He was the one who kissed me and I tried pushing him off but bitch held on to me for dear life!" I protested
"Don't you dare called him a bitch you slut!" Dinah yelled at me with rage

I was hurt inside and my face fell immediately. Dinah however kept the same angry face.
"Security!" Austin called someone to kick me out
I just stood frozen at my place.
Did she just choose his side? Did she really just call me a slut? I'm her best friend. She claimed it a few minutes ago to that security guard

I guess I've been thinking so hard that I didn't even notice I was carried outside.
I wiped the tears that I just noticed were streaming down my face.
To make it more worst is that Dinah has the keys to the car.

Then to my luck it started to rain. Fuck you universe.
I sneezed and shuttered ALSO realizing I left my jacket inside too. Fuck my lifeeeee!

I called Normani. I don't know why I didn't call Camila but I just needed to talk to A friend right now....Thank god I didn't forget my phone!

N: y/n?

*sniff* hey.

N: gurl what's up? How's the concert? Lauren told me that Dinah and you went.


N: hello?

*cries* *sobs*

N: y/n! What's wrong? Wait- are you outside?

P-please pick me up

N:....be there in five

I waited in the freezing cold rain, balling my eyes out.
'No. Not Dinah. I can't loose Dinah too!' I kept saying in my head

Then I saw normani in her car and I raced inside.
She started to drive after I put my seatbelt on. (A/n: safety first readers!)

I told her everything that happened tonight and she listened to everything that came out of my mouth. She told me she hates Austin from the start too and she is pissed that Austin kissed me.

"Do you think Camila will be mad at me?" I asked her worried
"No I bet she will be more pissed than me" she answered truthfully. I took a deep breathe seeing that we are already here.
I wiped my tears and looking into the mirror seeing that my eyes were red and my makeup looked like shit. I looked like shit.

I went in anyways with normani holding my hand for support. Once I stepped in I saw Camila in the kitchen making sandwiches, Lauren reading, and ally probably facetiming her family in her bunk.

Lauren noticed me come in and shouted "the hell happened?!" She came over to me not even saving her page in her book
Camila turned around and her smile dropped once she saw how I looked
"My baby!" Camila wrapped her arms around me while I sobbed in her chest
"Shhhh it's ok. I'm here." Camila tried to calm my breathing. "What happened y/n?" Lauren asked softly

"D-Dorito boy h-happened" I hiccuped
All the girls had a angry face on

"Dinah called me a slut and chose Austin over me. She looked at me straight in the eye when I was crying and never shown any other emotion other than anger. I-I thought I just lost my best friend in that moment.." I cried into Camila again
"Wtf?! Why'd she call you a slut?" Lauren asked real mad now

"Austin kissed me" I said quietly
"WHAT!?!" Camila and Lauren shouted
"Dorito boy put his nasty germs on you??" Lauren yelled disgusted
Camila however was raged. She looked like she needed to punch the hell out of a tree or somethin. Or in her head, Austin.

Lauren hugged me reassuringly around my waist which is also where Austin was breaking during the kiss. I winced in pain and held onto my torso.

"Baby? Baby what's wrong??" Camila changed from rage to worried
I pointed to my sides and normani lifted my shirt a bit
The girls gasped and I was even shocked myself to see purple bruises around my hips and back

"He did that!?" Normani asked
I nodded my head not wanting to speak as i was in agony
I started to tear up from the pain
"No no no don't cry baby. It's ok. LAUREN CALL THE AMBULANCE OR SOMETHIN!" Camila wiped my tears

I then heard sirens and was gently put on a gurney. Camila was holding my hand the whole time.

My spine and sides don't feel too good but I was able to sleep though..

I heard voices and Camila's especially stood out as I heard protesting but I let myself fall.......into......a deep sle-

A/n: heh. Sucks for you. JK YOU'LL GET BETTER CHILL

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