Meet again

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You where making your way to class when someone tapped your shoulder. It was soul. He smiled at you." Haven't seen you in a couple days, where you been?" He asked calmly." Had to go on a mission with my mister and I got hurt pretty badly so I was bedridden for a couple days." You answered. He blinked in surprise before taking your rather heavy book bag." If you just got off bed rest then you shouldn't be carrying this heavy thing. Let me help you." He said calmly as he walked you to class.

Black star
You where bedridden... How fun... The door to the room you where resting in burst open, revealing black star." The great black star is here to heal you!" ... Fffffffffuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn...

Your drunk parents had kicked you out of the house perminatly, so now you where walking down the street in the middle of the night and what's that? Rain? Oh lovely... A Kishine decided to try and kill you too... This just gets better and better... And your mister isn't around... You should start running... You rounded a corner, running into Kid. He seemed surprised until he saw the creature behind you... Liz and patty weren't with him... Luckily you are a gun so... The creature didn't last long..." What are you doing out this late?" He asked." My parents kicked me out..." You mumbled. He nodded before grabbing your hand and leading you back to his home." You can stay with me."

Crona/ ragnarok
Rosa was playing with her grandfather so you really didn't have anything to do... You walked down to Crona's cell, knocking on the door. Crona opened the door slowly. Smiling the instant he saw you." Hi crona. I was wondering if you and ragnarok would want some company." You said slowly. He nodded, stepping back so you could walk in." I brought candy..." You mumbled, holding up a bag. Ragnarok was out in an instant." Give me the damn candy!" He yelled. You smiled as you held out the candy for him." Nice to see you too ragnarok..." You mumbled, sitting down. Crona sat down next to you, hugging his pillow tightly. The three of you sat in a comfortable silence until ragnarok started playing with your hair. He braided it, unbraided it, twirled it, fluffed it, he seemed to be having fun as well. Crona set his head in your lap allowing you to play with his hair. It was really fun.

You and Excalibur spent a great deal of time together. The five hour story sections where incredibly... Something they where something... He was rather protective, choosing to drag you away from any fights that where not necessary. He did your hair every morning and made breakfast... He really likes you... just btw...

You had been gone for a long time but you where back... The dwma was just as big as you remember... You where the new head nurse at the school and the first thing that happens is some red head hitting on you... Your mister, who was a new teacher, was quick to pull him away. After a while of dealing with paper cuts a familiar silver haired man walked in. He looked at you with wide eyes." (Y/n)!?" He said surprised. You smiled at him." Hi stien, been a bit since I saw you last, what'cha need?" He returned the smile." I was just coming to introduce myself to the new nurse, but now I would like to know if she would like to catch up over lunch." Your smile grew." Gladly."

Your weapon looked ready to gut the red haired man so you where quick to drag him out and to your classroom that would be empty until after lunch." You shouldn't flirt with that one unless you want to wake up with a certain part missing..." You warned him. He chuckled nervously but when he got a good look at you... He tackled you to the ground." (Y/n)!!! It's been years!!! How have you been!!!" He shouted hugging you to death." Hahaha! Great to see you too old friend!!! I'm doing great!" You answered hugging him back." Papa what are you doing to my teacher?" Make asked, looking ready to chop. He got off you, helping you up." Just catching up maka! Me and (y/n) were friends back in my school days!" He shouted happily. Maka nodded before handing you her project and leaving." Let's have lunch so that we can catch up!"

(Male) medusa (Medu)
You and medu got along well. You and he flirted with each other a bit and you were the only women he wouldn't step on. But you had a daughter and you had to know that, when she ran away, she fled to her father. You went to the dwma in search of her. It didn't take long. Pulling her away you spoke gently and made sure she understood that you weren't taking her back home." I just wanted to make sure you ran to your father." You finished." I did run to him, that's why I'm here... And I'm happy mom... I made a friend and... I think I might be in... Love..." She mumbled. You smiled." If he is good for you then go for it. Now you need to get onto class... I'm going to try not to meddle with your life... But I do care about you... I'm just a terrible mother... Besides, mother has met a man of her own... And winning his favor will be preoccupying to say the least..." You rambled. Your daughter nodded." I wish you luck with him then..." She said before walking back to her friends." Who was that?" A white haired boy asked." My mom... The one I ran away from, she was checking to make sure I found my dad..." You walked away, not wanting to make her mad by ease dropping. Walking past the nurses office, you bumped into someone." Oh, I'm terribly sorry mi- (y/n)? What are you doing here?" Medu asked, seeming surprised." I came to make sure the little one found her father and maybe get a job." You answered with a shrug." I'll see what I can do about the job, did your little girl and her kid find the other side of the family?" He said as he reached for the phone on the wall." Yes she found him, and another boy... She thinks she's in love..." You answered, taking a seat on one of the beds." That's good that she found him. In love? How sweet, I wish her luck!" He said before talking to the other person the phone. After a few minutes he fhung up and lead you to lord death's office." Hello! Been a bit since I've seen you last! You want a job here?" He chirped." I do believe so..." You answered." Ah! Blah blah blah, happy preppy stuff, general gist of it all is that you are a nurse that will be working with medu." You and medu walked back to the nurse's office.

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