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      He had a rough day... Full of bullshit and Maka chops. He walked into your room and flopped on the bed. Standing up from the desk you had been siting at, you moved over to the, clearly exhausted, scythe. " tough day huh," You questioned, rubbing his back. He nodded into the pillow he was hugging. You claimed onto the bed, sitting on his lower back. He winced, looking over his shoulder at you. He was about to ask you what you were doing but you started massaging his back before he could. He groaned as you started to kneed out that day's stress. His breathing grew heavy as you continued the massage until every knot was worked out of his back. Once you were done you laid flat on his back, your arms wrapping around his shoulders." Your... Awesome babe~" he whispered, half asleep as he pulled you into a hug and fell asleep like that.

Black star
      He had gotten in a fight with a dude named Mifune and hurt his back pretty bad. He kept complaining that he would have won the fight if Mifune's girl hadn't jumped in... And that his back hurt. After the third hour of his complaining, you sat on his lower back." O-ow! Goddess that isn't---" his complaint was interrupted by a groan as you started massaging his back. His face turned red and little sounds escaped him as you carefully needed  every knot out of his back. When you were done, you lay next to him, with a soft smile. Your massage had lulled him to sleep.

       Tough day at school had stressed him out, so he had politely asked you to give him a massage. You agreed, instructing him to take off his shirt and lay on the bed. He did as you said. You then sat on his lower back and got to work. After thirty minutes you were able to work out the knots. He had long since fallen asleep so you just curled up with him.

       Ragnarok had asked for one after he and crona had gotten back from a particularly difficult mission. He was (cough, shirtless, cough) clearly enjoying himself. The large smile and small noises continued until he was fast asleep, smile still on his face. Then crona shyly asked you if you could give him a massage. It took a bit to get his dress off, leaving him in his (girly) underwear. He was incredibly shy but he still laid on his stomach, on the bed. You sat on his back, working out the knots. His smile was small but the noises were a bit louder than ragnarok, they were actually loud enough to wake him up. Ragnorak smirked at the writhing pink haired boy. Once you were done, ragnarok pulled crona against his chest and you against Crona's chest. And that's how you slept.

     He had politely asked you for one. You gleefully excepted. He sat with his back to you as you began to work at his back and shoulders. By the time you were done he was putty in your hands...

      He had another fit with insanity. To calm him down, you tackled him onto the floor of his living room. You started to kneed his back, calming him instantly. He kept twitching and shifting as you worked out his stress. When you were done, he flipped himself over, pulling you down. A heated make out started and you wound up  underneath him at some point...

      Someone had mentioned his daughter... Yeah... So now he was freaking out... After a bit he started bawling into your shoulder, begging for something to make him feel better... So you told him to take off his shirt and lay on him stomach. He did as you told, allowing you to sit on his back and start massaging his back. He felt much better.

       It was a rough day at the nurses' office. The first thing he had done once you got home was flop onto the couch. You sat next to him and started to massage his back. He groaned loudly, gripping the fabric of the couch cushion. You spent a solid hour working at his back. Once you were done he gave you a lazy smile." You are the best girl in the world." He mumbled sleepily. You pet his head before going to make dinner.

       Some blue haired kid came and beat up Mifune but you were able to get rid of him. You dragged Mifune inside, laying him on his stomach on the couch. You shook your head when you noticed his pained expression. Feeling pity for him, you started to give him a very careful massage. He gave off small noises as you worked out the stress. Soon enough he was knot free and ready to pass out on the couch." Sleep my luck, I'll watch over the house." You whispered, kissing his temple.

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