Act Three

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"Looks like there's no one in the library, maybe I can finish this pendant..." Fakir quietly opened the door, and walked up to the third door inside the library. Finding a quiet desk in front of a stain flower glass window, he sat down and opened the box.

After a while, he had finally finished the white swan made from topaz, which would have its wings wrapped around the garnet. 'For some reason, I have the feeling that this was meant for someone important to me...' The image of the girl form his dream popped in his head as he held the swan in his hand, at which his face became bright red. "W-what am I t-thinking? It w-was just a dream..." He thought leaving it at that.

After snapping the garnet in its place, the former knight held the finished pendant up. The garnet fit nicely into the hole, the white wings of the swan holding the jewel in place. "Garnet... it means eternal love" He began, the whole pendant was the size of his palm. "But then, the white topaz swan has the meaning of life..."

Suddenly, soft music began to play. "Huh? I'm nowhere near the Music Hall..." He said rubbing his eyes. As the music grew louder, Fakir had already fallen asleep on the desk, with the pendant still in his hand.

"Fakir... Fakir..." Opening his eyes, Fakir found himself on the shore of the lake from his previous dream.

'Here I am, having the same dream once again' He thought as he stood up looking around the shore, and seeing no one around him, then the music began to play once more. "That music..." He was cut off at the sight before him, for the young maiden from his dream was standing, no, more like floating upon the fragile water's surface; but what shocked him the most, was the fact that she was dressed in a white swan's ballet outfit.

The veil that covered half of her face, looked as if it was made of real white feathers. "It's you..." His hand felt cold, Fakir looked at it and found the pendant that was still in his hand, remembering all of a sudden about what he had said while in the library, a deep blush ran to his tan skinned face. 'Well, I can't think of anyone else that I would give it to, right?'

"Fakir, will you dance with me again?" The emerald eyed looked back at her, then stepped onto the glassy surface of the water and took hold of her hand. "Before we begin" He said taking the pendant and placing it in her pale hand "Ah... it's so beautiful!" Without asking her, Fakir gently put the pendant around her neck.

Before she could say anything. Fakir pulled her into his arms and they began to dance "Fakir, thank you for everything," She said kissing his cheek, which made him step backwards; holding his cheek, she said "I have to go now, bye bye..." Fakir grabbed her hand "Wait."

She looked back at him. "I have so many questions to ask. Who are you? Why do you keep appearing? Please tell me your name before this dream ends..." He pleaded. He let go of her hand and began to draw back as his dream came to an end, she faced him; a smile on her lips.

"Ahiru, that's my name." Were her words.

Fakir's head shot up form the desk, and he quickly looked at his hands; the pendant was now gone. "It wasn't just a dream..." He said as he remembered the maiden's name.

"Ahiru..." The name rolled off his lips like honey "I want to see you again, Ahiru."

Watching from her mirror in her garden, Ahiru gently touched the pendant around her neck "As do I, Fakir, as do I..." While she watched the writer, a nightingale watched her from afar, suddenly flying off toward the lagoon when a knock came from the garden's door.

Turning away from the mirror, Ahiru called out "Come in Akiro!" The red haired walked through the gates and jumped down the staircase. "Did you have a good day, Ahiru?" He asked noticing the pendant and grinned "So, I see things are going well... With Fakir that is."

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