Act Fifteen

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'Olesia?' Thought Ahiru, surprised 'is she related to me?'

"What is your name, child?" Asked Lady Demeter.

"I'm Ahiru" Answered the strawberry blonde, coming back to reality. The older woman covered her mouth as he heard the name. "Ahiru Olesia" finished introducing herself the girl.

"Oh Dear!" Exclaimed Demeter "That is my grandchild's name! But tell me, Ahiru, how is your mother called?"

"Mama's name was Elaine" answered she, not sure if she should refer to her as dead or not, but her expression saddened as she spoke nevertheless. Demeter stood up, as she heard her daughter's name come out from the girl's lips, she walked to Ahiru, and knelt before her, taking the girl's hands between them as tears flooded her brownish-green eyes.

"Ahiru, Dear" she said, her voice shaking in newfound joy. "I was not sure at first, but your words have confirmed my suspicions: you are my beloved daughter's only child, my lost granddaughter."

"So you are my grandma?" Asked Ahiru, Demeter nodded smiling at her. The sapphire eyed hugged the lady.

Lady Demeter couldn't have felt better, when she returned to her seat, she was smiling brightly and so did her grandchild.

"I suppose then," the lady said "that Akiro-kun could find you"

Ahiru nodded. "He is like an older brother to me." Answered she.

"I see" said smiling her grandmother. "I can also see within your heart the strong feelings you profess towards a young man. Tell me, Dear, is he nice to you?"

"Well," Ahiru said, her face turning red "Fakir is really kind actually."

"So, are you happy, Ahiru-chan?" Asked Demeter.

"I am, Grandma!" Answered the girl, the lady smiled, covering her mouth with her cup, she sipped some of her tea.

"I'm glad to hear that" Demeter said, Ahiru smiled, her grandmother's company made her feel better, but in the depths of her mind, she felt as if it was nothing but an illusion, lady Demeter felt the same as her daughter, and so, her smiled faded. "You know, Ahiru-chan" she said, leaving her cup onto the table. "This place is open for you to come back, so whenever you need a place to think, or you want to see me, come, I will wait for you to visit."

"I will Grandma" Ahiru answered, the smile returned to both of them.

"And if you can, bring your friends" continued Demeter "I will be glad to meet all of them."

"Sure!" said the girl, standing up, she felt as if time had passed too quickly, and had not forgotten about her promise to Garhyn. "Next time I'll bring everyone, Grandma" She said, hugging Demeter, the lady returned the hug.

"Take care, Ahiru-chan." Said her grandmother.

The girl nodded, she took her bag from the floor. "One more thing," she said before going "How do I go back to the Academy?"

"Oh, that. Go all the way South, Ahiru-chan" Demeter answered "there's no way you can get lost."

"Thank you!" Ahiru said as she rushed through the path of the garden, finding herself soon in the North park where she had lost the feather. The return had been so quick, that for a moment, Ahiru feared it was a dream. And so, she quickly saw the path she had crossed through while following the feather, and knew it had not been so. She returned to the park once more, and put her thoughts in order as she waited for Garhyn to come.

Julia looked through the window of the practice room in which she had decided to practice on her own. Garhyn soon appeared behind her, and the blue haired turned around to look at him.

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