Act Two

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"Oi... Oi Fakir! Time to wake up!" The young boy opened his eyes, and looked up to see Charon.

"Oh... Good Morning, Charon" He rubbed his eyes and stood up.

"Better get ready, Mytho and Rue will be here soon. Don't want to be late on your first day back to Kinkan Academy, now, do you?" The smith laughed as he walked out of the room.

"I guess I was really tired, but that dream..." Fakir brushed it off and quickly changed into his uniform, he went back to his desk to get his books, noticing the box and pieces of the pendant. 'Huh? When did I buy a pendant?' he thought putting the pieces back in the box and taking it along with him.

'Funny, I don't remember anything about buying a box like this one at all...' he walked downstairs and ate a little before grabbing his lunch. "See ya Charon!" He called out to the smith before leaving the house; running down the path that led to the bridge, his eyes spotted his two childhood friends, and now a couple, Mytho and Rue.

"Morning guys! Am I late?" He asked as he reached them. "Morning Fakir, and no, you are early again." Rue growled at her boyfriend's words. "I wish you weren't so early, I never get to have Mytho to myself at the bridge" She said glaring at the emerald eyed teasingly, Fakir rolled his eyes "I don't need to hear that, Rue... let's get going" the albino just laughed, as the three headed to school.

The scarlet haired boy walked into the large indoor garden, around which there was a glass pyramid. "Ahiru, how do you feel?" He asked approaching the cloaked girl, who was sitting on a round bed.

She turned her head toward the boy. "I'm still a little sleepy, and feel somewhat weak, but, other than that, I'm fine, Akiro" She pronounced his name softly. "Is something on your mind, Ahiru?" The redhead asked sitting on the bed next to her. "I... I wanted to apologize... I have been very unkind to you..." She began "You gave me back my human body and voice, but..." Akiro lifted her face up.

"But you still wish to see your friends, am I right?" She nodded; the purple eyed took hold of her wrist and gently, pulled her up from the bed. She followed him as he led her to the large indoor lake, they ran to the middle of it. "I know that you wish to see them again, I understand that, but..."They began to dance, and Ahiru's cloak turned into feathers that floated around them.

"This new story is filled with things, things old and new. I wouldn't want you to get lost, you've been hurt too much in the past" He said while spinning her around, befor kneeling dwon and wrapping his arms around her small waist.

In turn, Ahiru lifted her leg up, and leaned down to wrap her arms around his shoulders 'He is worried for my safety...' "Thank you Akiro, I'll wait a little longer, until I can see them again" She kissed his forehead, before stepping back.

"I'm glad that you understand, I must go now. This place is yours and yours alone, you can let anyone in, or keep them out. Oh, and before I forget" Ahiru turned to him, as he pointed to the other side of the lake, it was a large round mirror. "That mirror" He began "Can show you anything you want, whenever you want, even your friends... I must take my leave now, good bye Ahiru"

In a flash, Akiro was gone, leaving Ahiru alone in her garden. She turned to the mirror, which reflected her 'It can show me anything...' She walked towards it. "Please show me the world I now live in" The mirror glowed showing her the landscape of the new town. Twice the size of the old Kinkan Town, it was a beautiful city with wide rivers running through the houses, and in the center of it all, was a large church with the academy built along with it.

"Maybe Fakir, Mytho and Rue are all there..." She whispered staring at the academy.

"Hey Mytho!" The amber eyed boy turned to his friend "What classes have you got?" The silver haired handed his schedule to Fakir and the emerald eyed handed his to his friend.

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