Act Eight

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"It has been a week already and your body looks fine, Ahiru" Akiro said from his bed. Three days ago, he had collapsed, and now everyone feared for his life.

"I wish I could say the same to you Akiro. You're healing so slowly..." Ahiru answered, her voice shaking, since even if the red haired was not her brother, she couldn't stand losing him. "I hope you'll be able to walk."

"I'll be fine, Ahiru, please stop worrying about me." He said touching her cheek, trying to prove his words.

"Akiro, about Garhyn... I need to know more about him..." Ahiru stopped as she noticed the growing anger in the redhead's eyes.

"I don't wish to talk about him... not now, it's not the time" He growled, turning away from her.

"I know" Ahiru nodded still holding his hand "but when? When will you tell me?" She asked with a pleading voice.

Akiro tore his eyes from her pleading blue eyes, knowing in his heart that it wasn't yet the time to reveal the truth. 'Now isn't the time, she has no need to know. She shouldn't know anything else about that demon.' He thought gently pulling his hand from hers.

"I still need to rest." He finally said. "Go on with Fakir to the Academy and have fun." She didn't push him, and so, left the room with confusion in her heart.

As she headed downstairs, Fakir, who was holding both if their bags, noticed her gloomy mood. 'She must have asked again about Garhyn to Akiro...' he thought. Walking out of the house, he offered her bag to her, which she silently took.

"Please, don't look like that, Ahiru." Fakir said, trying to lighten her spirit "I know Akiro won't tell anyone about Garhyn. We'll have to be patient."

She looked at him, with the weight of worry still in her eyes. "But Fakir," she answered "what if Garhyn attacks again? I won't know how to stop him if I don't learn how!" They stopped at once, Ahiru looking back to the floor, ashamed of her reaction. "I-I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have yelled." She said. "It's just that... I'm so worried about everything that is happening that..."

"Ahiru..." Fakir said, unable to find a way to comfort her 'Why do I feel so powerless? I can't even...' He grabbed her hand, and pulled her into a light hug. "We'll get through this" he finally said "so please, don't be like this. Mytho, Rue and I want to see you smile, just like before... just like always."

Ahiru nodded, and they continued to walk, hand in hand, down the path leading to the academy. Without knowing that they were being watched by the hungry eyes of a flock of nightingales, which silently followed after each of their steps.

As they reached the bridge to the academy, familiar voices greeted them.

"Fakir! Ahiru!" Rue yelled running down the sidewalk, along with Mytho.

"Rue, Mytho, you guys..." Rue threw her arms around the girl, interrupting her, a loud laughter coming out of her lips.

"I've missed you Ahiru! I'm so glad you are so much better!" Exclaimed the ruby eyed.

Mytho came up next to them. "Now we are all together again, and we can dance like we used to." He said smiling warmly.

Ahiru smiled back at them, and returned Rue's hug.

"Come on guys, let's head to class. We don't want Neko-sensei yelling at us..." Fakir muttered before moving on. Mytho walked next to him, with Rue and Ahiru behind them, both girls chatting about ballet class. 'I can finally dance with everyone again, it feels so good!' Thought Ahiru.

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