Chapter 15

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We wandered downtown, looking for a cafe or somewhere to get food. Well, I say 'we wandered'; my friends did, while I rode Blackjack as he trotted down the road alongside them. Stupid leg. I wished it was fixed, I was really no use.

"I could iris-message Will or someone else at camp?" Nico suggested, after having voiced my thoughts.

"Yeah, but what could they do?"

"Worth a shot."

I insisted the others go into the cafe we had finally reached, as they were starving hungry.
Blackjack trotted over to the middle of the square, where a large fountain with a statue of my dad stood in the centre (it was so weird.)

"Oh Iris, accept my offering," I said, throwing a golden drachma Nico had given me into the trickling water. "Show me William Solace, Camp Half-Blood."

The image of Will flickered to life. He was passed out in a chair in the infirmary, snoring loudly.

"Solace!" Nico yelled.

Will stirred. He sat up groggily, looked around as if searching for the source of the noise, before saying something really clever like, "Huh?"

"Will!" Nico called. He finally noticed us, and grinned and came over. His smile soon faded.
"Everything alright?"

"Kinda. How do you magically fix a broken leg? I'm rubbish in combat right now. It's kinda annoying." I tried to keep it lighthearted, but I was really worried. How would I take on two immortals when I could barely take care of one hellhound?

"How did that happen? Oh gods. Hmm. Okay." He frowned, thinking hard.

"Okay, I dunno if it'll work if I'm not actually there, but I'll try it."


Felt tons better not having a broken leg. I slid off Blackjack, and gingerly took a step on what had been my bad leg. Just a very dull pain was all. Thank the gods.

"Aw thanks Will!" I said.

"No problem," he said with a grin. "You okay, Neeks?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Three days in the infirmary when you get back." Will said, his face dead serious.

"What?" Nico asked incredulously.

Will cracked a smile. "See you. Stay safe, Death Boy."

"See you, Solace."

"Love you." And Will waved his hand and broke the connection. I squealed.

"What?" Nico asked. "Your leg okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. My leg is fine. He said he loved you!" I squealed again.

Nico stared at me quizzically. "I know."

"My little cousin," I said, putting my arm on his head like it was an armrest, "I ship Solangelo very very much. Just sayin'."

"I'm not little. I'm older than you. And solangelo? 'Sun angel'? What?"

"If you're so much older, how are you so short?" I giggled as he gave me a death stare. "And it's your ship name. Solace, Di Angelo. Solangelo. Your ship name is literally the most beautiful ship name in the world."

Nico didn't seem quite sure of what to say. He pushed my arm off, which was still on his head.

"Come on," I said, and walked into the cafe after stroking Blackjack's mane and promising him doughnuts.

"Yay!" Piper said when I walked in. "You're leg's all better!"

"Yeah," I grinned.

And then the street screamed.

We bolted outside the cafe shop to be greeted by dozens and dozens of screaming mortals.

"Deimos?" I questioned. And then a tarantula crawled over my foot. It caused some very obscene language from me - which caused Nico to cover Hazel's ears, and then Percy to cover Nico's - before adding, "and Phobos. Phobos is here too, for sure."

"Yeah, we got bored waiting," the god said casually, materialising in front of us.

"We knew you'd just eventually arrive at the temple anyway, and we got really bored, so we might as well come to get rid of you now. You're irritating me," he commented nonchalantly.

His appearance was strange. He was immortal, yet looked like a teenager - no older than we were. I guess he would've been handsome, if not for the cruel glint in his eyes and the sinister grin that played on his lips.

"Get rid of us? Are you so sure?" I had the nerve to laugh.

"Last time I saw you, you were collapsing on the pavement from looking into my eyes for half a second. You want to see that again?" He said threateningly, stepping towards me, getting dangerously close. I almost stepped backwards, but decided to stand my ground defiantly.

"I've experienced that now. It won't scare me much anymore." I said quietly. Call your bluff, Emily.

"Oh it won't? Well, there's plenty more things you're scared of."

I sighed dramatically. "Is there?" Some of my friends snickered. It was pretty funny I suppose, Phobos and I trash-talking each other.

"Let's find out," Phobos said, grabbing me by the front of my shirt and dragging me towards him. In his eyes I saw Camp Half-Blood overrun by monsters, and all my friends losing their battles. Even Percy.

"Could use some help, sis!" Percy called, as a cyclops succeeded in turning Percy's weapon into his snack.

"Emily!" Piper called, as a hellhound barrelled into her, knocking her to the ground.
I saw Jason tumbling through the air, unconscious.

Meanwhile Thalia and Frank nocked their last arrows each. I refused to watch anymore.

"That doesn't scare me," I whispered, trembling.

It wasn't real. It wouldn't happen. These demigods standing behind me had beaten Gaia. Them losing to a group of typical monsters would pretty much never happen.

I shoved Phobos with all my strength, and he stumbled backward a little. It gave me just enough to time for me to regain my footing after he let go, before he had regained his balance and was storming towards me again.

"Where's you're dumb-brute brother? Let's see who'll be running off screaming after this," I said with a smirk, tapping the gem of my ring. "Bring. It. On."

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