Chapter 19

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"Hello, Piper," the love goddess said to her daughter. "How are you, my dear?"

"Could be a worse time for chatting, I suppose, but there's a reason why you've come to visit us, is there not?" I asked.

"Oh, yes!"

"It's not about Phobos and Deimos, is it?" Jason asked in a bored voice.

"Yeah, coz they were asking for it," Nico growled.

"Too right," I muttered.

"Oh, no, no, not at all! Although Ares might be a little irritated."

"When isn't he?" Annabeth said.

"I can live with that," shrugged Leo.

"I'm not exactly on his good side," Percy mentioned. "Who cares?"

"Ares might," Frank pointed out.

"Ah, yeah, I kinda forgot that, Ares, or well, Mars, is your- Sorry, Frank."

"Eh, I said my dad might care. I didn't say I did."

"Now, now!" Aphrodite interjected. "Onto more pressing matters! The real reason I came here! Love, of course!"

Cue unanimous groans.

"Now, I'll be needing to speak to the ladies first, of course! Come on, girls!"

"Is this really the best time, mom?" Piper complained.

"Of course! I've got you all together, and you've completed the quest. I feel you need some spirits lifted!" she said, sounding jolly. "Now come on!"

Reluctantly, Annabeth, Hazel, Piper and I followed Aphrodite a little further away from our campsite, out of sight and earshot.

"Well, obviously, you three, are already in relationships. And I'd say they are going quite smoothly!" She said, addressing the other three girls.

"Meaning what, exactly, mom?"

"What're you gonna do?" Annabeth said defensively.

"Nothing, girls, nothing! What I meant by that, was that it was Emily I really needed to work with here! But you see I couldn't just take her out on her own! No! That would be embarrassing!"

And this isn't? Great. Thanks a bunch, Aphrodite.

"So, girlies, if you could just go away for a little while, that would be lovely!" Aphrodite's unnecessary cheerfulness was rubbing off on me the complete opposite way. I wasn't exactly thrilled to have a conversation with Aphrodite at, well, any time really.

"I didn't exactly come on this quest to talk about my love life," I grumbled.

"Ah, but why not? You like quests? Quests are dangerous, sure, but so is love. So surely, you must be intrigued by that as well, no?"


"Well, anyway." Aphrodite rolled her eyes. "Obviously everyone in your group is in a relationship, and I don't tend to split up couples. Usually." she added. Big lie, even the 'usually' part. I know Aphrodite well enough, if just from information on paper.

"So, someone at Camp Half-Blood. I'm pretty sure you have your eye on someone anyway, no?"

"No," I answered, maybe a little too quick, with an evident blush creeping into my cheeks.

"That Stoll boy and you would look good together," she noted. "I might have to do something about that," she winked.

"Goodbye Aphrodite." She chuckled as I walked away. When I glanced back, she was gone.

I found Annabeth, Piper and Hazel again, and walked back with them to our little camp. They didn't ask anything, and I was grateful, but I did notice Piper glancing over at me and giving me a knowing smirk. I - only half jokingly - scowled in return.

When the boys questioned what had happened, Piper just said, "Oh, you know, just stupid Aphrodite love nonsense stuff, really. Nothing important." I don't really think she meant to, but she must've been using charmspeak, as the boys just nodded and continued chatting, and she sounded so convincing I believed it myself. Yeah. Just silly love advice nonsense from Aphrodite. Ignore it.

We arrived at Camp early the next morning. We were completely packed up and ready within five minutes of waking, and it didn't take us long to get back to Camp Half-Blood after that.

The pegasi swooped down and we hopped off. The pegasi didn't wait for us to get off safely, but hit the ground running, relieved to have a good nap in the stables. Classic Blackjack.

Campers were littered around the site, some playing a very violent game of volleyball, groups of probably Demeter children wandering the strawberry fields, a few campers dotted around outside the cabins, and whatnot.

We passed all of them and made our way straight to Chiron. Will Solace was telling him about another cured camper when we explained all that happened. They were evidently relieved that the attacks to the campers would stop.

I was glad to be back in camp, and as soon as we were finished, I turned to make my way back to my cabin.

"Uh, Emily?" Will said, as soon as we began to leave. I winced.


"Are you limping?"


"Come on. You're going to the infirmary. What's broken this time?"

"Toes, I think. Not much you can do about that, though. I'm fine. Can I go now?"

Will rolled his eyes, and turned to leave for the infirmary.

"Does that mean I can go?" Will raised his eyebrow expectantly.

"Infirmary. Now."

I groaned, but trudged out of the room behind him. I heard Nico laughing behind me, until Will said, "Uh, you should probably come too, Nico. Doctor's orders."

"What?!" I burst out laughing.

It was boring in the infirmary. For an ADHD demigod, it sucks to just sit there and do nothing. I had eaten some ambrosia and nectar, and that was probably the most exciting thing that had happened. Nico was chatting with Will on the other side of the room, and everyone else who had once been in here was cured and gone. I was bored.

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