Chapter 18

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"Percy?" I said softly. He looked up. "Do you remember where you are?"


"No, no, no. Not Tartarus. You never have to go there again. Never ever, okay?"

"Never ever." He repeated quietly.

"That's right, never ever. So do you know where we are? What we need to do?"

He nodded slowly. "Ares' idiot kids. Not Clarisse."

"No," I laughed. "Not quite as idiotic as Clarisse. Phobos and Deimos remember?"

"Yeah. You had to fight him alone, didn't you?" He gripped my hands tighter. "Are you alright?" He suddenly seemed much more alert, much more like himself.

"Other than the fact he dropped me off a roof and I had to smell stinky god hand round my mouth, I'm fine," I chuckled.

"Sounds great."

"Uh huh," I grinned. "You sure you're okay? You and Annabeth are safe now, remember that."

"Annabeth?" He asked incredulously. "She's okay?"

"Yeah. A bit shaken up like you, but otherwise fine." I went over to Annabeth, who in all fairness was right next to Percy.

"Uh, Percy wants to see you," I said.

"Seaweed Brain, I'm right next to you," she said. I laughed.

Percy turned, grinned and scooted closer to Annabeth, and she rested her head on his shoulder. I smiled.

After I had spoken to all my friends, I remembered Nico. Crap. My poor cousin had been out there by himself for ages. I ran out onto the street, and saw Phobos on the ground, Nico standing over him, his sword raised.

"Fine!" The god shouted. "I'll stop! I'll stop! Don't kill me!" He demanded. I rushed over to Nico's side.

"Took you long enough," he grunted.


"Don't kill me." Phobos instructed.

At this point Piper had appeared by my side.
"Why not?"

"I won't do it again," Phobos muttered reluctantly.

"Damn straight," I said. "Neither will your dumb brother," I warned.

"But- Alright, fine! Neither me or Deimos'll do it again. Now get that sword away from me."

"Fine. Then go." I kicked him in the ribs, and he scowled at me. As much as I wanted to kick him again, I was trying my best to be reasonable.

"You know you're technically my brother," Piper told him. "And I thought you had mine and Annabeth's backs in that cave. Remember? I thought you were the good guys," Piper scowled.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I remember."

"Right. So what got you all tetchy?"

"Ares was-"

"Being a dick, as usual?" I interjected.

"Emily!" Piper scolded.

"Whatever," I shrugged, trying not to smile. Piper turned her attention back to her godly half brother.

"I thought you were good guys," she said again.

"Sorry," Phobos said almost sheepishly. "I'll go pick on some other demigods."

"No you won't. Just get out of here," Piper ordered. Phobos disappeared.

By that point the others had run out, and were laughing and cheering at the side. Percy came up to me and hugged me.

"You," he said, "are an awesome sister."

"Don't I know it," I joked.

I then went over to Nico, and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him go rigid, not welcoming the gesture.

"Thank you," I said. "You were incredible, and all of that was thanks to you. All of it."

"It's nothing," he mumbled. I let go.

"How's your leg?" Leo asked.

"It's holding up alright. Not broken any more, which is a plus. Except I think I broke a toe or two when I jumped off the roof," I added with a chuckle.

Nico and I explained what happened with Will Solace via Iris-message.

"That's pretty cool, I didn't know that was possible through iris-message," Jason said.

"Me neither," I agreed.

We took a rest in a secluded spot by a river. Piper and I were chatting while we flew, and when we landed Piper's expression changed.

"What the-?"

"What?" I asked.

"Your eyes. They're a different colour."


"Hey, so are Percy's! Like a slightly murkier blue."

"Huh?" Percy called.

"I heard it was a Poseidon thing," Nico commented. "Your eyes change colour to match the nearest body of water."

"They do?" Percy asked incredulously. "How had I not noticed this?"

"That's what happened in Tartarus." Annabeth whispered, realising. "The whole time we were walking alongside the Phlegethon river. It was oddly terrifying." She was so quiet I could barely hear her. "Percy, your eyes were completely red. I didn't know why, or what was going on. I thought I was imagining it. Guess it makes sense now."

Percy wrapped his arms around her, and she rested her head in his shoulder. We set up the sleeping bags we had recently bought from a shop in the town.

Once we were all ready to sleep, we had a most unexpected visit.

"Mom?!" Piper said suddenly.

I groaned. Aphrodite? Seriously? Now? What could she possibly want?

You know, other than the fact we just battled and stabbed her sons?

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