Cute boy next door, isn't so cute afterall

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"I don't know Jake.." I shivered.

Something about the woods behind his Grandma's Pink Victorian House, with the little white picked fence gave me the creeps ever since i moved to Washington. Jake turned his head so he was facing me. He flashed me that grin that had me tripping over my shoes..again. Jake was my neighbor, i guess you could say that cute boy next door. I was new here so he was showing me around the town, and of course he wanted to take me back into the woods. The one place i was truley scared of.

"Scared of vampires?" He teased.

 I playfully through my leg up hitting him in the butt. "Nope!" I answered. "It's hard to be scared of something that doesn't exsist."

 I ran dead smack into him. "Ja-" The look on his face made my words stop short.

"Kat. Vampires are real." I would have argued except his brown eyes hardend and it held me in one place.

 "Jake stop trying to scare me."

  His gaze didn't leave my face. I examned him carefully, the muscle in his jaw was popped out and he had his lips in a thin line. Even though i probably shouldn't be checking him out when i was scared as i was, i had to admit he looked pretty hot.

All of a sudden a smile crept up on his face,"you think i look hot?"

 How did he know i was thinking that?

"No! and how-w.".

 For a second he looked taken back, his smile faded and he stuck his hand up. "forget it." he spat out.

 I stumbled back and just stared at him. What was his problem, jeez. I watched him walk into the forest getting father and farther away. Whatever if he wanted to be a jerk just because i didn't believe in vampires so be it. I turned to walk away but I felt a tap on my shoulder and i jumped. Quickly i wipped my head around expecting jake but no one was there.

"Jake. This isn't funny." He was really starting to irrate me.

"play with me." a little voice whispered.

 I looked around again, but no one was there. The hair on my arms rose and my blood ran cold. I took off in a face sprint running the same direction i saw jake go. If he was just walking i should be able to catch up with him, i told myself.

"Jake!!" I kept calling out his name, but the only responce i got was the sound of my feet breaking the twigs underneath me.

 I stopped and turned around, i had no idea how far into the woods i was and there was still no sign of jake anywhere. Walking over to a tree stump, i took a seat so i could re-gain my breath. I went to breath in the last breath i needed, until i felt my body get slammed into by a hard human shaped figure.

 The blow sent me soaring aross into a tree trunk.

 I felt the blood fill my mouth, "whose there!?" i tried to shout but blood kept coming out instead.

 A loud laugh like rumble filled the sky, causing me to sink back farther into the tree. I grabbed ahold of one of the lower branches and started to pull my self up. But then a dark male figure only 10 feet away from me set his jaw and charged at me. The speed he ran was like lightning, and when his body connected with mine, i was shoved back harshly into the trunk of the tree. My whole back was acking and i was sure my ribs where broken.

 "believe in vampires now?" The voice hissed into my ears.

My whole mind was spinning, but i regonized the voice. jakes.

"ja-jake, what are you doing."

He glared down on me disguist and hatred in his eyes, and his teeth they were really.. my eyes shot back up locking with his.

"i thought you would be diffrent kitty kat," he kept going, "I'm always looking for someone who would be intrested in me for what i am."

 Before i had a chance to respond, much less blink, my face was being caressed by his hands.

"please jake.." I whispered, i was sure he could feel my entire body trembling while he rubbed his thumbs down my jawline.

"Shh.. you have seen to much. Besides this won't hurt." He took a pause, then  smiled "that much."

 I moved everypart of my body that i could, and continued screaming.

"Stop it!" He hissed.

 He had his fangs lashed out trying to grab me but i kept rolling and moving. The pain in my ribs caused me to let out a huge yelp. Jake grabbed me and we wrestled on the ground but i was no match for him. The quickness of his body, was nothing compared to my slow aching one. And his muscles, they made about 5 of me's a piece. My body finally gave up, while my mind was still screaming to fight back.

 Jake grinned, "that's more like it."

 I closed my eyes and tried to make myself beileve that i was dreaming, i started to actually believe it until i felt a prick in the side of my neck. My eyesflashed open, and pain shot down my whole body making my throat let out a corrupted scream. My eyesight started to blink out, and i felt my blood drain slowly from my body. I was slipping, laying there waiting for him to drink me till there was nothing left ot drink. But then it stopped.

 I felt his fangs get torn out of my skin, and a loud snarl escape his mouth. I opened my eyes, just barely and saw another guy. He was on top of jake snapping at his throat. I held my breath as Jake through the guy off and ran deeper into the forest.

The guy came back into view and i got a glimpse of his face, he was really attractive to with his shaggy black hair and green eyes, i heard him let out a deep chuckle and wrapped his arms around my body, and before i could attempt to get away everything around me was enclosed by darkness and i lightly drifted off to sleep in the hands of what might be my next attacker. 

(Chapter Two coming soon)

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