"What are we going to do about my family?" I asked feeling guilty.
I have been gone for at least a week, and I haven't even thought about them until now. Brady ran his fingers through his dark hair and sighed.
"Well, nothing right now." I could hear the touch of annoyance in his voice.
Was I bothering him? I have only been here a week, and all we have really done was eat, sleep, and him drink my blood.
He offered me his, but I wasn't ready for all of that yet. I haven't even completed the change.
He shot me a hard glare,"I know you haven't completed the change."
I shot my eyes up to his face. "What's your problem!" It was the first time I snapped at him since he said I was his forever.
Back then, I thought it was sweet and romantic. But now, I felt like he didn't want me forever.
His head shook viciously,"I don't know why you won't change!" He snapped, "You got the beauty of a vampire. You can't see your reflection. Yet, you still don't have fangs, or need nor crave blood."
Was there something wrong with me? I heard Brady let out a deep huff of air. My heart sunk of the idea that he thought the same thing.
His eyes softened. I took that as a sign, so I walked forward and pressed my body onto his and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling our foreheads together.
"Nothing's wrong with you. I'm just having a bad day." He let out a deep sigh. "Let's just stay away from people until we have everything settled."
Slowly, I nodded. I never seen him so irritable. Reaching up I pushed my lips onto his. At first he just let me do all the lip work and then he started kissing back, roughly.
In mid kiss I pulled back.
"What's wrong." He growled, his eyes flashing that deep red, that I soon learned that it ment he was hungry.
"When's the last time you ate?"
His brought his lips to mine. I backed up again. A loud growl rumbled from his chest.
"Why does it matter." He hissed back.
"Your irratible when your hungry. I don't like it."
He cocked his left eyebrow up, giving me a evil grin. Suddenly his face was inches from mine. My breath stopped, still shocked of limited time it takes him to have me pushed against the wall.
His lips slowly traveled up my neck, then to my ear. He whispered,"how about we see if you have super strength."
My heart beat increased, and I pushed myself farther against the wall.
"Brady. You know I don't."
I knew from experience he was really rough when he was hungry. He stepped closer.
All I wanted to do was step into him, and feel his body against mine. I couldn't help being attracted to him when he was all angered and confident. I have always like that about guys. Especially hot ones, like him.
A hurt look crossed his face," you don't want me, baby?"
"Brady stop it. Your trying to make me feel bad and give in."
He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, using his other free hand to jerk my chin up so his green eyes where piercing into mine.
"I love you." Icy mint filled my mouth while he whispered, when are lips where barley touching.
Before I could answer back, and rip of pain shot through my side, and I toppled to the ground.
"I'm sorry, love." Brady whispered.
I grabbed my side, the pain was terrible. I watched him walk out of the room. Leaving me there doubling over in pain, screaming his name.

One last taste..
VampirosKat never believed in the supernaturl world untill she found out the cute boy next door was a vampire.. or was he?,Helpless and alone in the woods while getting attacked Brady another vampire who happened to be in the same place as Kat as she got at...