Chap 16 "Apology & Defeat"

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Mike's POV
Mia ran out of the room. "Mia," I called after her.
"Mike!" Emily exclaimed at me. "The nighlok can't hurt her feelings but you can."
"Oh man," I replied, feeling guilty. I got out and walked outside. Mia was playing her acoustic guitar she had left at the Shiba house. I walked up to her. She turned around and looked at me. "Hey Mia." I looked at her. "Listen, I said too much back there and it wasn't cool. And I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Mia replied as she put her guitar down and stood up to face me. "You're alright." I was a little confused. "You know, I used to cry all the time. I wasn't good ar school, even though I was a nerd. I couldn't do anything right. I was picked on all the time." She turned her back on me. "Mom would always play her guitar and it would make me feel better. When I heard it, I immediately forgot about being sad." I smiled. "Then Mom got sick. When she handed me the zord, not wanting to give up being a Samurai just yet, she was the one who was crying." I looked at the ground. "That's when I told myself, I can't cry. I needed to be strong for Mom's sake." Mia turned back around to face me. "I guess trying to fill Mom's shoes has brought back some of my insecurities." I looked at her. "How can I expect others to stop putting me down if I don't do it myself?" She looked at the ground. "I'm sorry."
"Mia, stop being sorry," I replied walking up to her. "You have nothing to be sorry about." I grabbed both of her hands. "It's my fault. Here I am trying to be stronger than Jayden, that I lose to you." She looked at me. "You keep calling yourself insecure, so, what does that make me?" She closed the space between us. "It was jerky that I was so hard on you."
We smiled at each other. "Mike," Mia smiled. We shared a kiss "Look, you don't need to be stronger than Jayden. You're strong enough already. Right now, you need to be strong for Marie." I looked at Mia. "She's going to need the both of us when she gets older and her siblings that's going to be here in 6 months."
"Six months?" I asked. Mia nodded. "You're pregnant?"
"Yeah," Mia giggled. "But we'll tell everyone after this, okay?" I nodded, understanding because we really need her. "Alright."
My samuraizer ring. I let go of me is left hand to pick up. I hung up. "Uh oh," I replied as I looked at Mia. "Nighlok alert."
I turned around to go but Mia stopped me. "You're not afraid to be yourself," she smiled. "I admire that and you'll get stronger with the sword, I know it."
We smiled at each other. "Thanks, M," I smiled.
We ran to the mall. "Stop right there," Jayden replied as we formed a line.
"Anyone ever tell you you're a bully?" Mia asked.
"Yup," the nighlok replied as he faced us. "Nicest thing anyone's ever said about me."
We got out our samuraizer. "Samuraizer," we said together. "Go, go Samurai." We Drew our symbol. "Ha!" We morphed. "Samurai rangers, ready! Rangers together! Samurai forever!"
"More like heartbroken forever," the nighlok replied. "I know the truth about you and I'm really gonna let you have it."
"You should never underestimate a Samurai," Emily replied. "Your sneaky trick won't work on us again."
"Yeah, we're onto you," Kevin replied. "We're ready for whatever you could throw at us."
Kevin walked down three steps of the stairs. Then nighlok faced Kevin. "Mentor's little pet," the nighlok stated. Kevin flew back towards us. "Oh yeah!"
"Kevin," I replied. "Don't let him get to you."
"This isn't good," Jayden replied.
"Let's find the mute button on this guy," Mia nodded.
"Go away, weaklings," the nighlok replied. "My business is with the pink ranger."
"Who, me?" Mia asked.
"My Moogers will keep you busy," the nighlok replied. "Get them."
"Fire Smasher," Jayden stated as his sword turned into the Fire Smasher. He started fighting the Moogers. "When it comes to battling Samurai Rangers, you guys just don't cut it."
"Earth Slicer," Emily stated. "Join my club, no autographs please."
"Hydrobow," Kevin stated, shortly after Emily. His sword turned into a bow. "Now, it's my turn to bring it."
"Ha! Forest Spear!" I exclaimed. I got a long staff with a blade on the end. "How many of you fish faces do you need to take me on?" I fought the Moogers. "It doesn't matter. I'll beat you all."

Mia's POV
I watched as Jayden, Kevin, Emily, and Mike took on the Moogers. I went for the nighlok. "Your turn, mean mouth," I stated as I swung and swung and swung at the nighlok.
"Dummy, klutz," the nighlok named off, "cry baby."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," I replied as I kept fighting. I struck the nighlok. "Now shut it, creep."
"You can't ignore my insults forever," the nighlok replied as he got up. "I'll find a way to get you." I ran at the nighlok. "Loser!"
"Your words can't hurt me," I replied as I reached the nighlok and struck him again. I kept fighting. "Ha!"
"Silly girl," the nighlok replied as he kept taking each hit. "You'll never be as good as your mother." I looked to the floor and took a breath. "Ooo, got cha!"
I kept fighting the nighlok. "What's with you?" Mike asked as he finished his pack of Moogers. "Didn't anyone ever hurt you when you were a kid?"
I took a swing but the nighlok grabbed my sword. "You're losing steam," the nighlok replied. Mike came running. "Hey, green bean. You better back off or I'll let some singers fly that will really tear you apart."
"Get back, Mia!" Mike suggested. "I need to make my point." I managed to get my sword back. "Forest Spear! Leaf storm!"
I hit the floor doing a summersault, dodging Mike's attack just in time. "Those leaves were a bushly move," the nighlok said.
Mike held the nighlok from behind. "Quick now!" Mike exclaimed as I got up.
"With pleasure," I smiled. I got out my samuraizer. "Symbol power, mouth trap! Ha!"
"Time to shut your pie hold," Mike replied as a muzzle was put on the nighlok. Mike ran over to me. "Haha! Now we're rocking!"
I giggled as we high fives. "Yup!" I nodded. "I've got nothing nice to say to you." I walked towards the nighlok a few feet away from Mike. "So, let's call it a day. Spin sword, air symbol strike!"
I took one last swing at the nighlok and he hit the floor. "Yeah!" Mike replied as he put his arm around me. The others joined us. "Nice one!"
"Jayden," I smiled as I looked at him.
"I'll take it from here," Jayden nodded. "Fire Smasher, cannon blast mode!" I frowned as the nighlok stood up. "Lock and load." We put our disk in the cannon. "Five disk speedo cannon."
"No stop!" the nighlok begged through the muzzle.
"Not this time, nighlok," Jayden replied as he fired. "Cannon blast!"
Jayden blasted the nighlok and he was gone. "Yeah!" Mike exclaimed. "Alright!" I smiled. Mike put his hand on my head. "Mia, you really did it."
"Thanks," I smiled as I grabbed his hand from my head. "You helped me through it." We hugged. As we did, we demorphed. "Thank you."
"No problem," Mike smiled. We went back to the Shiba house. As soon as I walked through the door, Marie ran up to me and I picked her up "Hey sweetheart."
We did a family hug. "Can we go home now?" Marie asked.
"In just a little bit," I smiled as we sat down in the common room. "Mike and I have something to tell all of you."
"What is it?" Jayden asked.
"We're expecting," I smiled. "I'm three months along and we're having a baby boy."
"Why did you fight?" Mentor asked.
"You guys really needed me," I sighed. "I wasn't affected but each of you would've been." I smiled. "Now that the world is safe, I'm sure we can have a long and happy life with our families." I smiled and looked at Mike. "And with that, I'm happy to be spending the rest of my life with my best friend." Mike kissed my cheek. "I hope to see us all together again in five years. Maybe sooner. I will always love my Samurai family."

A/N: I am done with this story :) I definitely had fun writing it. Hector, the guy who plays the green Samurai on TV, is an amazing guy. He's really sweet and caring. Anyways, new works soon! Happy reading! Xoxo ~Alexis

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