Sam: I baked you a Pie!
Dean: Oh boy what flavor?
Sam: PIE FLAVOR.Kid: i like singing!
Kid 2: i like dancing!
Dean kid: I like hunting demons.*demon swoops in and kills the kids*
Lucifer: Hey, its says gullible on the ceiling.
Mary winchester: Oh so its doe- *is on fire*
Oh you set me on fire.Lucifer: die, Mary!
Mary winchester: *has a gun and sunglasses* Not today.
Lucifer: D:Dean: Haha! They said i could never teach a moose to drive!
*is on the edge of a cliff*
Dean: No, sammy, Nooooo!
Sam: *drives off cliff*Sam: doctor, i think i might a moose!
Doctor: how can you tell?
Sam: *starts vomiting little mooses* MOOOOOSSESJohn winchester: what are you a man, or a squrriel?
Dean squrriel: ......Mary winchester: hey boys, i brought you some cookies!
Baby sam: :D yeah cookies cookies cookies!-
Kid Dean: i like hunting demons.
Sam and mary: ......
Demon: *sets mary on fire*SAMMY THE PROFIT!
Sam: *in a cage put there by some satan worshiper to have him lucifer* how did i...get here?
THE END.Cas: *reading a book upside down*Hahahaha! I Cant read.
Sam: lulz Kitten fite! *throws one at dean*
Dean: wait sammy i'm driving! *looks at it* awww
*crashes into a ditch.*
R.I.P, Dean winchester.John winchester: what are you up to son?
Kid Dean: i like hunting demons.
John winchester: hahahaha! Yes you do.Hater: hey, you know whose gay?
Hater: yo- *gets killed by a demon*