Knight in Shining Plaid

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"Get up, idiot." I was woken up by the sound of Dan in my room and the feeling of denim hitting my face. I opened my eyes for a moment and then shut them tightly, the light from the day pouring into the room and making it hard to keep my eyes open. I blinked a few times until they adjusted to the brightness.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dan was in my wardrobe throwing clothes out onto the bed. That was the wardrobe we had built together a few months back. Boy, was that an interesting day. The furniture held up though, so we must have done something right with it.

"Oh, well that's all for you." He pointed at a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt laying on the bed next to me.

"Alright, you've picked out my outfit for me, mum. Now what are you still doing in there?" Dan was sifting through my shirts, tossing the unwanted articles of clothing onto the floor.

"I wanted to borrow that one shirt, but I guess it's dirty," Dan said with a sigh. He shut the wardrobe without returning my other shirts to it.

"Sorry, princess. Now that I know we share clothing in this house I'll start dressing accordingly." I pulled the comforter off and sat up, resting my feet on the floor. I checked my feet, and saw that my left foot was now missing a sock.

"Don't be so dramatic, Phil. We're leaving in ten minutes, so I'd get dressed if I were you."

"But Dan, I haven't even done my hair or had any breakfast or-"

"Down to nine minutes, bud, better start moving!" Dan yelled as he nonchalantly walked out of my room. I hurriedly pulled the pair of jeans on and buttoned up the multicolored plaid shirt I loved so much. I looked at myself in the mirror for a few moments, wondering what I could possibly do with this hair. After a long thirty seconds of contemplation, I ran a brush through the thick, dark mess until I found it presentable. I walked out into the hall and found Dan sitting in the kitchen, a bowl of Country Crisp in front of him.

"Ten minutes ago you said we were leaving in ten. Now you're sitting here eating cereal. Really?"

"Well I was hungry," Dan said, pouting slightly and looking down at his bowl.

"Well do I have time to go fix my hair while you eat?" I asked, getting ready to turn around and head back into my room.

"Nah, it looks fine," Dan said through a mouthful of cereal. He was never good about the whole "not speaking with your mouth open" thing. I stood there in the kitchen as Dan placed his bowl in the sink. "Ready?" Dan asked sarcastically.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I guess." I led the way into the living room and we each put our jackets on. London isn't exactly known for its sweltering Octobers, even if it was quite early in the month. I bent down to put my shoes on.

"Hurry up!" Dan said.

"Patience is a virtue, you know."

"Fuck your virtues, Phil," Dan said, sounding a lot like a five year old. I slipped my other shoe on and stood up. My back cracked as I straightened out, obviously from spending most of the previous day in bed.

"Oh great, it's raining," I said as we walked outside. I hated rain; it always seemed to put a damper on things, including my mood. "How's about we go back inside and do errands another day?"

"Come on Phil, I really need to get to Tesco," Dan pleaded, turning left out the door.

"Well alright. But let's hurry up."

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