00 | prologue

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Wild music was being blasted from Janice Nelson's house that could be heard in front of of her house. The house had light visible from the windows and you could faintly see the silhouettes of people in the house. Loud voices and chatter was audible as you could hear everyone having a great time.


Someone called her name and she turned around to find Izzy, her best friend. Izzy walked towards her, wobbling slightly on her high heels before collapsing into Janice's arms. Janice staggered back slightly, catching her friend's weight before they both came crashing down to the floor.

"God, how much have you had to drink?" asked Janice. She could smell the alcohol on her friend's breath and Janice herself, was also slightly intoxicated.

"Hehehe, only three cups. Or four or six or -"

"Ok, that's enough," Janice sighed but couldn't help but smile slightly as Izzy started talking gibberish.

" -Oh, five comes after six right?" Izzy asked with a small frown in her face as she concentrated. Janice shook her head, a smile still plastered on her face. That smile though, quickly faded at Izzy's next words.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

"What?" Janice said over the loud music. Surely she misheard her.

"I need to go to the bathroom," moaned Izzy and Janice reluctantly let her go watching her wobbling her way to the bathroom. Janice was afraid that she would trip over her high heels but thankfully, Izzy managed.

Smiling to herself, she walked around. She loved hosting these parties. It always made her feel happy to see everyone having fun and coming together to her parties. Maybe Sam was here, she mused. Samantha was her other friend. It was always the three of them; Izzy, Sam and Jan. Perhaps Sam would enjoy hav-

BAM! She collided with someone and Janice jumped back, squealing. Red wine swished dangerously and some of it splashed on her white dress.

I really shouldn't have worn white, she thought to herself distantly, in her drunken mind.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" exclaimed the person she bumped into as they pulled her out of her thoughts. Looking up, she found herself staring into bright green eyes.

"Hi Carl," Janice said. She could recognise those bright emerald eyes anywhere.

Breathing in and taking a deep breath and trying to keep her voice steady. He was her boyfriend of two years but they had recently broken up. She had no idea he was at the party and she didn't know how to to talk to him. Things were too awkward.

"Hey. Oh umm," he gestured towards Janice's dress, "is that okay? I mean- haha uhh your dress?"

'Hmm?' Janice looked down at herself and she just remembered the red wine all over her front. Her eyes widened as she frantically dabbed at it with a tissue. It seemed to make the spill spread wider. She sighed

Janice gave an apologetic look towards Carl. "Looks like I have to go to the bathroom."

"Oh okay." Carol looked like he wanted to say more but then he closed his mouth. "I'm really sorry by the way for ruining your dress," he said looking at her sincerely and apologetically.

"It's okay," Janice said with a forced smile on her face, unsure of what else to say. She turned to leave, eager to escape this awkward conversation, but before she could do so, a hand grasped her wrist.


Janice looked down at her wrist, with Carl's hand on it. She shifted slightly, feeling uncomfortable at the contact. Carl seemed to realise that she was feeling uncomfortable and quickly let go of her wrist.

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