04 | neighbours

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Letting in a deep breath, Janice turned the key in the lock and with a click, the door gave way. Janice peered in, trying to get a glimpse of her new home.

It would be a lie to say that Janice wasn't nervous about moving into a new neighbourhood. She had known everyone in her old neighbourhood and now that she had moved, she didn't know anyone.

It was almost similar to what she felt like when she was younger, moving schools. It was always nerve wracking because everyone already had their own friendship groups and knew everything - while she was just a newcomer. Despite that, she was also excited.

This was her first house and it felt like she was gaining her independence by doing this. It felt like the start to her adulthood. After her mother had been diagnosed Alzheimer's, at times when Janice came home, it felt like she was claustrophobic and suffering in her own house. It felt mean to say that, but at times that was how it felt.

She walked around the house, and was happy. Everything seemed so neat and modern. Glancing out of the window, Janice looked out at her new neighbourhood. The place seemed so quiet and peaceful. After looking out of the window for some time, admiring the view, Janice decided to get unpack.

With a grunt, Janice lifted the box higher. She struggled to hold the heavy box, and she could almost feel it slipping beneath her fingertips. Carefully, she walked up the stairs, trying not to trip. After an eternity, she finally reached the top of the stairs and rested the box on the floor. Who knew that her belongings were so heavy?

After having unpacked mostly everything, Janice walked into her new bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. Who would've thought that moving to a new house was so much work? Within minutes, Janice was fast asleep.

Janice walked outside with a skip in her step with a smile on her face. She felt ready to fight and take anything on the world. It didn't matter what happened, she was excited and no one could wipe the smile off her face. Besides Janice was always those glass is half full type of people not the pessimistic ones. Janice walked outside of her house on her driveway before she was stopped by a woman who looked approximately to be around Janice's age that approached her.

"Hi, did you just move in?" The woman asked curiously.

The woman seemed to be the complete opposite of Janice. Where Janice was a deep brunette, the other woman was blonde. She was nearly a head shorter than Janice and more filled out too.

"Hey, oh yeah, I moved in yesterday," Janice answered her.

"That's great. I live right next to you,' the woman pointed. "My name's Debra by the way."

Debra said, extending her arm out for a handshake. Janice took it and shaked Debra's hand.

"Hi Debra, I'm Janice," she said politely. "Where are you going now?" Janice questioned.

"Oh nowhere, I'm just going for a walk," Debra answered casually.

"Do you want to come with me? I was going for a coffee," Janice offered, her friendly side coming out.

Don't talk to strangers be damned, thought Janice. That's how you make friends, isn't it?

"Yeah, sure why not," Debra answered with a smile. 'It would be the perfect opportunity for us to find out more about each other."

The hustle and bustle of the coffee shop greeted them. Quickly they chose a seat and began talking among themselves. Debra, as Janice found out, was quite a shy, introverted young woman. Janice was surprised at this, as Debra was the one who had approached her. Nevertheless, they continued to talk with some awkward silences in between.

During one of the awkward silences, Janice looked around the café. She didn't know what else to say to this woman. Debra wasn't a bad person - but she certainly wasn't someone Janice would be among friends with. Not that she's so bad.

"Hey there."

Janice looked up and found herself looking at her one of her best friends, Sam. Internally, Janice let out a sigh of relief at the interruption of the awkward silence that had settled between the pair of them.

"Hey, Sam. I felt like I haven't seen you in ages," Janice exclaimed as she stood up. Sam let out a squeal and then proceeded to tell Janice about what she had missed in the past few days that they had not seen each other.

Then of course, Janice felt slightly bad for neglecting her new neighbour whom she had invited for a coffee.

"Oh Sam, this Debra, my new neighbour. Debra, Sam," Janice said, gesturing towards Debra.

"Hi," answered Sam, giving a short wave towards Debra.

"Sam, short for Samantha, I'm guessing?" asked Debra politely.

"Yeah." Sam nodded.

Janice and Sam continued to talk for several minutes. Debra was confused and had a hard time keeping up with the flow of their conversation. Something about Klarence doing something.

"No way! Klarence couldn't have done that," Janice exclaimed, surprised at what Sam had told her.

"Yeah, not the best thing she could've done obviously," responded Sam replied with a smile.

"How did Michael take it? No better yet, what did Rachael say? That girl is a riot. Such a drama queen with her reactions but funny."

Sam gave a short bark of laughter.

"I know right! Izzy didn't take it too well kindly either but, you know," Sam said, shrugging her shoulders delicately.

The girls stared are each other, both with smiles on their face, eyes bright after their laughter.

"Anyways, I should probably go. It was nice talking with you though."

"Yeah I know, we should meet up sometime, the three of us."

"Haha yeah, I'll text you later. Cya," Sam said with a wave,

"Bye," responded Janice with a wave of her own before Sam turned around and walking out of the café door. It gave a slight creak and then Sam was out of sight.

"It seems that you're quite popular," Debra remarked as Janice sat down, a slight smile still evident on her face.

"What?" Janice appeared confused.

"You just seem to know so many people. You know Klarence and then Izzy and those other people," explained Debra.

"Oh that. People say that I'm just really friendly that's all." Janice said as she gave a slight nervous laugh. They continued to converse for several minutes.

Janice looked down at her watch and Debra watched as her eyes widened. "Oh God, I'm sorry but I have to go now. I have to see my mother."

Debra waved away Janice's apologies.  She gave one last apology before leaving Debra.

Debra sighed. Janice was such a nice person. She had everything. The looks, the personality and the popularity. Janice was everything that Debra had aspired to be in high school.

Debra could tell though, that Janice felt uncomfortable around her. Debra only wanted to become friends with her but perhaps people like her did not become friends with people like Debra. Like they were so incompatible that the thought of them becoming friends was laughable.

Oh well.

Soo perhaps Debra wasn't as close to Janice as she wanted to be. Not the close friend that she had said to the police then.
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