09 | killer

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Detective Carolyn Philips is interrogating Debra Harvey.

HARVEY: [knocks on the door] You wanted to see me Detective?

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: [nods] Yes, do come in and take a seat. We just have a few more questions we'd like to ask you.

HARVEY: Sure, anything I can do to help. [sits down and takes a sip of the coffee in front of her nervously] Have you found anything?

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: We certainly have a lead. It would help if you answer my questions to the best of your ability to help us.


DETECTIVE PHILIPS: So we went digging through your phone records and it states here that you made a phone call to her the night Janice died. What did you say?

HARVEY: Oh, that. I told her to keep the noise down. She always had those insane, loud parties that always kept me up late at night. The noise was so loud.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Is that why you killed her then Debra? Because you could not stand the noise?

HARVEY: [eyes widen] what, what do you mean? I would nev-


HARVEY: [looking worried] Know what?

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: You were sick of the noise and the popularity that Janice had. You finally found the perfect opportunity to kill her and came through the window. When she excused herself to go to the bathroom, you were there behind the door.

HARVEY: No that's not-

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: You shoved Janice against the wall and tied her hands. When she screamed, you tied a gag so no one could hear her and then proceeded to punch her. Finally you used a dagger to finally kill Janice.

HARVEY: No I would never - that's a very interesting story, Detective but there's one problem. Where is your evidence?

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Well for one, Janice put up quite a struggle and had accidentally scratched her killer. You have scratch marks on your arm.

HARVEY: [crosses her arms across her chest] Well yes but that was when I was ah . . .going for a bush walk. Th-the leaves on a few of the trees were really sharp and scraped my skin.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: [raises an eyebrow in disbelief] Of course. But how can you explain the DNA results coming back and matching your DNA?

HARVEY: What? That's impossible! [looks confused] Wait, how did you get it?


HARVEY: I mean, when did you ever take my DNA to match it with?

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: During our interrogation the other day, I managed to get a sample of your DNA when you took a sip from the mug I gave you. That sample was given to the forensic scientist where she matched it with the killer.

HARVEY: [puts down the mug that she was about to drink] Yeah but, but...

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Are there any more excuses you have?

HARVEY: [furiously shakes head] No, no. Why would I even have any motive to kill Janice?


HARVEY: I don't have any -

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: You did say though that you couldn't stand the noise at her parties.

HARVEY: But that is no reason to kill anyone.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: You can deny it all you want but I know you are the killer.

HARVEY: That's ridiculous. What happened to Carl? Carl Barnes?


HARVEY: You suspected him though. It's him isn't it?

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: We suspected him at first but then we found that all evidence pointed to you. You are after all the one who put the blame on Mr Barnes and I can see why now.


DETECTIVE PHILIPS: You stated that you are left handed right?

HARVEY: Wait no, I... I'm ambidextrous. I just don't typically use my right hand often. What does this have to do with anything?

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: The killer is shown to be left handed because of the hand imprint on Janice's right cheek. You can deny this all you want, it does not matter. We are arresting you for murder whether or not you-

HARVEY: WHAT! You can't do that.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: With the sufficient evidence, I actually can arrest you for murder. You can deny it all you want or keep silent but lying doesn't not do you any good. If anything p, it might get you into further trouble during -

HARVEY: [heavy breathing] Ok ok I did it!


HARVEY: [gulps] Umm...

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Why did you frame Carl, Janice's boyfriend of two years?

HARVEY: [snarling] He wasn't her boyfriend! That's bullshit. If so, why would he look to me?

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: [pauses] So Carl was cheating on Janice with you.

HARVEY: Yes that's right. Miss Popular and Goody two shoes gets cheated on by her boyfriend with me.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: And I'm assuming you were jealous of Janice then?

HARVEY: Obviously. She did not deserve him.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Is that why you killed her then?

HARVEY: [scowling] Yes. He had been cheating on her for about half a year but then when I told him to break it off with Janice, he didn't want to. He chose to stay with the bastard he'd been cheating on for a quarter of their relationship! So of course I killed her then and took my revenge.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Is this you then? [holds out Carl's phone with Dee's text message]

HARVEY: [smiling softly] He would always call me Dee. I'm so much better than popular, ugly Janice.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Debra Harvey, you are arrested for the murder of Janice Nelson. Anything that you say now from this point onwards can be used against you in court. Do you understand?

HARVEY: [sobbing] No, please don't arrest me. Please.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Officer Richards. Might I ask you to escort Miss Harvey to jail where she awaits trial? [Officer Richards nods and takes her away]

OFFICER HARLEY: Seems like a case of high school and jealousy.

DETECTIVE PHILIPS: Defintely. So much drama. I feel sorry for the girl's family.

OFFICER HARLEY: Her funeral's this Thursday. I hope her family is dealing with this well.

Sooo Carl wasn't the killer! Who fell for the trap? Did you think it was him?
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