Chapter 1

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Cara's P.O.V

Hi my names Cara Cowell, I'm 19 and I'm in university.

I live in London! And guess what? I like boobs. So yeah, I'm a lesbian. Deal with it. I'm open about it, my family supports me even though they may think it's a phase but if it isn't then they said that they support me which I'm very happy about.

At college, when I first came out everyone treated me differently. But after a couple of weeks - maybe a month - things faded away and I was treated the same as everyone else.

If you're wondering what university I go to, I go to Royal Holloway, University of London. I'm not in anyway Royal but my parents are very rich that's why I'm here. My dad, Simon Cowell, is the owner of Syco Records and my mum is a fashion designer and a model. So she makes shit loads of money.

Right now I'm on campus, in my room waiting for my new roommate to get here. My old one left because her family moved to Canada.

Suddenly the door opens, revealing a beautiful girl, with the right size boobs. Damn she's got a nice rack "Hi, my names Rita. Rita Ora" She says shaking my hand

"Cara, Cara Cowell" I smile at her "Are you related to-" "Yes, Simon Cowell is my dad" I smile at her

"Nice!" She says "Do you need help unpacking?" I ask her "You don't have to help..." She trails off "Well this is my way of being friendly, so I'll help" I stand up and take one of her suitcases and opening it up "Where do you want everything?" I ask her

"I'm I'll have underwear in that draw" Rita says pointing to it "Clothes in there" "Shoes under my bed, and perfumes on top of the table. If you see anything other than what I said just leave it" She says smiling. I smile back and unzip her suitcase

In front of me are thongs and lace underwear, I blush, not sure whether I should pick them up or not. She also has a bunch of stuff from Victoria Secret.

"Uh..." I trail off, Rita looks at me then at the suitcase "Shit I'm sorry!" She exclaims "No it's fine, really" I say as my face goes redder "I'll handle these, you do the others" She says

After unpacking her stuff we decide to get to know each other "Well, I'm Cara Cowell, I'm 19, I'm a lesbian, I love staying inside, I love parties, I love summer. My favourite colour is turquoise, and I want to be a model and an actress." I smile

"I'm Rita Ora, I'm 19 too, I'm bisexual, I love staying inside too, I love parties as well, I love Autumn. My favourite colour is red. And I want to be a singer." Rita smiles at me

She's bisexual. This makes me happy.

"How did you know when you were bisexual?" I ask her "Well, I had fantasies about boys but then I also had fantasies about girls too. Also I've have crushes on boys and girls as well. So I said to myself, 'I'm bisexual'" She finishes

"How did you know you were a lesbian?" Rita asks me "Well I always got butterflies when a girl touched me or looked at me etc, but when a boy touched me I didn't feel anything. I always had crushes on girls as well" I say

"So if I were to touch you, like this" Rita says coming over to me then softly touching my shoulder "You'd... Feel something?" Goosebumps form on my shoulder at her soft touch "Yeah" I say looking at her in the eye.

"How about..." She says softly running both her hands on my collarbone "Now? Do you feel something Cara?" She asks me. I love the way my name rolls off her tongue. I swear I can just listen to her voice every second of the day.

I nod, not being able to speak. I always come off as confident but when it gets to things that are sexual I become timid.

Even though I am taller than Rita, she still looks a bit intimidating, but I love it. And I have a great view of her breasts.

I lift up my hand to touch them but she slaps them away "No no" She smirks while sticking her chest out even more, as a way of teasing me. I gulp then take a deep breath.

I just met Rita, I can't already have feelings for her, and I can't let her take me over like this.

"Well, it's getting late, I'm going to bed" Rita says, I watch her as she walks to her draw and picks out pj's.

She starts stripping in front of me and I don't know whether to turn away or not. Her back is to me so I guess she can't see me staring?

She removes her trousers and oh my god she is wearing a thong. Calm your tits Cara. But that ass though! I'd tap that any day, damn.

Then she removes her top, I close my eyes and take in a deep breath then open them back up again, I watch her as she puts her pjs on which consists of booty shorts and a tank top that looks way too small for her but I'm not complaining

I quickly turn around and pretend like I was doing something "Cara can you help me take off my bra?" Rita asks me "Sure" I smile nervously

She walks up to me and turns around, I slowly feel her skin as my hands travel under her shirt to the clip. I feel her shiver under my touch. Good so I'm not the only person feeling this way.

I unclip it and help her take it off. "Thank you" She smirks while turning around, I look down at her chest and her nipples are hard and visible. I close my eyes and take easy breaths to control my hormones.

I open them back up and Rita is looking at my innocently "Anything wrong?" She asks me "Uh no.. I uh... I just like um no, never mind" I say shaking my head and walking to my bathroom with my pjs

"You like what?" She asks me grabbing my arm and spinning me around. "No, it's weird to say" I dryly chuckle "Tell me" She says pinning me to a wall

"I won't laugh" She says, well might as well say it Cara "I uh... I like boobs" I say blushing then looking down, she grabs my chin, making me look at her "So do I" She says winking then walking back to her bed, making sure her hips sway just to turn me on even more.

How am I going to survive with a goddess in my room?

I have a thing for boobs (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now