chapter 5

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2.06k damn. make sure to vote and comment if you want me to keep on updating :)

Cara's pov

I wake up in the middle of the night, watching the two naked girls next to me.

I sit down and take my phone to play some games "baby girl?" I turn to Rita "Yes mummy?" I ask "why are you awake?" she asks while rubbing my back

"I can't sleep" I say "so I decided to play games" I show her my phone while giggling, my hand instantly rests on her breast. I don't know why, I wasn't thinking. it was like a reflex.

Rita doesn't seem to mind so I just play with her breast while playing on my phone.

Kylie start to stir (Kylie is Kylie Jenner btw)

her eyes flutter open "what time is it?" she asks "uh 2:34 am" I say, she nods then sits up too.

"baby girls" Rita says "yes mummy?" we say in unison "I have a rule" she says, we nod "once we enter this room. we have to be nude. unless, someone that's not us three is in here. got it?" Rita say, I nod as Kylie mumbles a yes

"Good girls" she smiles

really really short chapter because I'm busy today but omg thanks for 2.06k reads :') don't forget to vote and comment

I have a thing for boobs (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now