Chapter 3

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I didn't proof read this chapter so there's probably a lot of mistakes in here.

Rita's P.O.V

I watch Cara as she's asleep, this time she's not on my boob. Cara sleeps a lot and I'm wondering how she's always tired.

I take one of her hands and put it on one of my breasts, she doesn't seem to realise so that's good.

Ten minutes later she starts moving then her eyes flutter open, she looks at where her hand is then blushes and removes it.

"I never knew how much you can sleep in one day" I say "What? It's still the same day!?" Cara asks confused "It's only 1:31" I say.

"I just want to sleep" Cara says "You've already slept a lot today" I whine "Let's do something" I say smiling "What like go outside?" She asks

"No, let's just do something but stay inside" I say "I don't know what to do though" Cara says "What's in your mind right now?" I ask her she blushes then shakes her head

"Nothing" "Well it's obviously something if you're blushing about it" I smirk "What is it baby girl?" I purr while softly holding her hips

"Nothing" Cara says, I begin to kiss her neck as small moans escape her luscious lips, I lick her neck then blow on it. Goose bumps form on her skin, I kiss that same place then start grazing my teeth over it, she lets out a loader moan then grabs my head.

"Are you going to tell me now baby girl?" I ask her trailing kisses along her jaw, then I kiss her at the corner of her mouth.

"Fucking tease" She mumbles "That's right baby" I wink at her, she blushes then hides her face in her hands.

I straddle Cara then take her hands and put them around my waist. "Please tell me" I beg her

Oh and if you're wondering, we're both still naked.

"I was thinking about your boobs" she says timidly "Well that wasn't so hard to say now was it?" I ask her smirking.

I purposely lean forward so my breasts are in her face.

"Are you thirsty?" I ask Cara, she nods her head "Do you want some milk?" I ask her, she nods her head again, "C'mon baby, it's breastfeeding time" I smirk

Cara sits up but I'm still straddling her, her hands instantly massage my breasts "Yes Cara" I say quietly, she moves onto my nipple, circling them with her fingers. My nipples turn into little pebbles.

Then she attacks my left breast with her mouth, she licks it with her cold tongue a couple of times and shivers go down my spine, I shuffle forward wanting more of this magic.

She starts sucking on it and a loud cry escapes my mouth "Yes Cara" I can feel a little pool forming below but I ignore it.

She starts kissing my nipple with so much passion and dammit this is turning me on so much. She removes her mouth from that nipple and there's a hickey there.

She licks the hickey then blows on it, sending more shivers down my spine.

She moves onto my other breast, she swipes her tongue over my tit while her fingers are playing with my other tit.

My pussy is getting wetter by the second "More" I say as I arch my back then she starts sucking harder.

Then I start moaning louder, she takes my nipple in between her teeth, licks it then blows on it. She starts kissing my nipple like its my lips. I never knew that this was a thing until Cara did it.

Maybe I could try it on her. Give her a sense of her own taste.

She pulls away from my tits, taking a great look at them both "Hickeys on titties... Nice" she laughs, I laugh too "Next time, I work on you, while you scream my name. Got it?" I smirk

"Why don't we do it now then?" She asks shyly "Okay baby" I say "Remove your pants" I say sternly

"What!? No!" She says "Now." I say while glaring at her "You want this and now you won't listen to me? Listen to your mummy baby" I say

"I do want this but I thought we'd take our time" She defends "I know you hate how slow things will be. Take of your pants" I say, she sighs then says "No" "Are you disobeying your mummy?" I ask her

"Uh no I just-" "Turn around" I say, cutting her off "Why?" She asks "Turn around and bend over. Don't make me say it again" I say, I get off her then she turn around and bends over. Just as I wanted, her ass is sticking out.

"Bad girls get beatings" I say, I pull her pants down, and she's not complaining.

"Are you ready baby?" I ask "Mhmm" She mumbles, I give her, her first slap, she groans in pleasure.

I slap her again "Uh Rita" She moans, I slap her ass again "Mummy, harder" She cries out, I slap her harder, and I hear her whimpering, I slap her one more time "I fucking love you so much" She says while removing her pants and throwing them.

"I love you too" I smile at her "Are you ready to feel good?" I ask her, she nods her head then I connect my lips with hers.

I shove my tongue into her mouth then take my hands and play with her nipples. "Lay down" I mumble against her lips, she lays down then I disconnect our lips, I suck on her nipple then slowly rub her vagina.

I hear her moan so I carry on. I push two fingers in and start pumping slowly "Faster" Cara moans, I'm still sucking her right boob so I move over to the left one while pumping my fingers faster.

She grabs my hair and buckles her hip to get more pleasure "More, mummy" She moans, this turns me on even more. I stop the teasing and remove my fingers from her.

I shuffle backwards on the bed so my mouth is in line with her pussy.

"You ready baby?" I ask her "Yes mummy" She says innocently. I stick my mouth in her vagina and swirl my tongue around, taking in all of her flavours.

"Ahhh Rita!" Cara moans loudly , I ignore that and take the little bean thing in my mouth then start sucking on it.

"I'm close!" Cara shouts "I take it out of my mouth then begin to feast on her again. Then suddenly my mouth is filled with cum.

I don't swallow all of it. I take some using my finger then lay next to Cara "Here" I say, she licks my fingers then kisses my lips.

"You taste and smell like pineapples" I say "Well I heard that pineapple makes your vagina smell nice and your cum so I was like, why the fuck not" She chuckles.

We lay silently under the quilt, Cara occasionally sucking on my breast. I love having boobs. And I love it when beautiful people play with them. It feels nice.

"I love your boobs" Cara says to me "They're so big. I wish mine were like yours." She says "I like yours, they look cute on you" I wink.

A couple of seconds later, I fall asleep with Cara sucking my left boob and playing with the other. It's very relaxing.


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