chapter 6

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rita's pov

last night, kylie went back to her dorm because she has class tomorrow and needs fresh clothes to wear.

but the day is almost done so i'm expecting a knock on the door any moment now

knock knock knock

i walk up to the door, look through the peephole and see my baby girl standing there

i open the door and her eyes instantly travel around my naked body

"come here" i say and drag her into my room and attack her luscious lips with mine

i grab her wrists and pin them above her head giving her no control whatsoever.

my lips leave hers then attack her neck instead.

to spice things up a little, i rub my breasts against hers, creating a friction of pleasure. i feel her tremble under my touch and moan as i carry on pleasuring my baby.

"m-more... please" kylie moans "please who?" i ask angrily as i rip her shirt open, causing the buttons to fall off and her breasts to hang out

i notice that she wasn't wearing a bra "no bra?" i smirk up at her "i wanted to surprise you" she looks down and plays with her fingers

"i'm surprised" i bite my lip and wink it her then flick her hard nipples, causing her to suck in a sharp piece of air

i drag kylie to my bed and lay her on there

i quickly begin to remove her skirt, noticing that she's not wearing underwear either, "you naughty girl" i lick my lips, the smirk still present on my face

"where's cara?" she asks "shower" i answer then quickly collide my lips with her right breast, causing a loud moan to leave her mouth

suddenly a door opens, revealing someone that shouldn't be there

dang it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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