Chapter 2

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Cara's P.O.V

Her lips finally touched mine and I swear I'm in heaven. Her lips are so delicate and they taste of grapes, her hands slip under my shirt and hover over my left breast, I can already feel my nipples getting hard and a pool forming in a vagina.

Her hand goes into my bra and plays with my nipple, I moan into her mouth and arch my back as a way of saying I want more. Her mouth replaces her fingers and a load moan escapes my mouth as a feel her cold tongue play with my nipple, her hand plays with my right nipple.

I open my eyes and see Rita staring at me, I look at her and my vagina is throbbing for attention. Her mouth leaves my left nipple then goes over to my right one, her hand then plays with my left nipple, then massaged my breast.

I cry out in pleasure, she takes my tit in between her teeth. And I swear I'm dead. This glory is too much. If Rita can work all this magic with my breasts imagine what it'll feel like if she starts working on my vagina.

"Are you ready princess?" Rita asks me as she slowly kisses down my body, towards my clit "Yes baby" I say "I can't wait to have breakfast" She says

"What are you having for breakfast?" I ask rhetorically "I'll have a-"

"Bacon sandwich with egg on the side. And for a drink I'll just get some tea" Rita says, I open my eyes confused "What?" I ask her "You asked me what I wanted for breakfast?" Rita asks me confused. Shit. She must have heard my dream then. My wet dream about her. How awkward is that?

"Oh yeah I did, did I say anything else?" I ask "No..." She trails off "Are you okay?" She asks me, then feeling my forehead "You're burning up. I don't think you should do anything today, I'll let the uni know that you're ill and I'll look after you. Okay?" Rita says, I nod and lay back down.

She walks out of the room, I fall asleep seconds after she leaves.

"Wake up sleeping beauty" Someone says while shaking me "No" I grumble turning over, the covers are ripped off me but I don't move, the I feel something slap my ass. "I'm up" I say and sit up.

Rita is smiling at me "I got chicken soup for you" She says handing it to me "Careful it's hot" She warns, I put it on the table then she sits next to me.

"You know you don't have to look after me" I say "Nah, I want to. Plus I don't even want to be here, my parents forced me to. I want to be a singer. But now I have a great reason to stay here" She says "And what is that?" I ask drinking some of my soup

"You" Rita says, I start choking, then coughing, Rita quickly gets me some water, I chug is down then sigh. "Thank you" I smile "No worries" She says brushing it off

"So, what do you want to do" I ask "We could have sex." She says as I drink some of my soup, I start choking again then she quickly hands me my water.

"I'm joking!" She quickly says "Maybe" She says to herself but making sure that I heard her "We can play truth or dare?" She suggests "Okay. Truth or Dare?" I ask Rita

"Truth" "Are you a virgin? And if you aren't. What age did you have sex and who was it with?" I ask "I'm not a virgin and I was 17 and it was with a girl" Rita says

"Truth or dare?" She asks me "Dare" I say "I dare you to strip into your underwear" Rita says, um I'm too scared to, but I can't tell her that can I? "Uh" "C'mon I know you're not sick. I just wanted to spend the day with you" Rita says

"Fine" wait, I'm not wearing a bra. Because I'm in my pjs "I'm not... Wearing... Uh. Um a bra" I stutter "It doesn't matter" Rita says while rubbing my shoulder

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