A/N: please don't be quiet...
an apple is all she gets for dinner that night
she is texting the boy she likes
"i work out," he says
he probably meant it to be innocent
but she didn't see it that way
she takes a bite but later looks at her thighs
thick and covered with marks of pain
if he saw them, she thought
would he look at her the same?
would he stare at those pretty brown eyes
he loved
the same?
would he hold her hand
when they strolled down the sidewalk
squeezing gently
so she wouldn't let go?
would he accept her call past three
when she needed him the most?
would he still do what he promised her
from the moment they met?
"i can't be the death of you, because i'm all about taking care of you."
she wouldn't know
he wouldn't understand
but how would she know?
know if he genuinely cared
if she didn't try?
queued thoughts
Poetrymy lips shame of unspoken words. self-written with a sprinkle of inspiration here and there.