A Little Thing Called....

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A/N: The scenarios will now be all together! ^~^ that's so I don't keep you all waiting! XD oml, how long has it been?

And seriously...2k???? OMFG!!! When I saw this I went bezerk XD I'm using my phone for this...sorry for the mistakes!!!

Aang-(his P.o.v)

I couldn't help but smile, she was pretty....very pretty....I loved her laugh, the way her h/c hair flowed in the wind, I didn't feel myself smile and blush as I watched her leave, then I heard Iroh, laughing?

"I'm surprised that you feel that way young Avatar...." Iroh said walking towards me and having a seat.

I looked dumbfounded, not having a CLUE on what he was talking about!

"And what would that be?" I replied taking a sip from the warm tea cup.

"A little thing called love...."


That's what my tea sounded when I spit it out and somehow choking, thankfully I didn't turn red from embarrassment.

"Love? No way..." I replied shaking my head and denying this whole thing.

"The heart will find its way...love is a funny thing, with many twists and turns, but it will never die down..." Iroh said.

"Thanks for the tea..." I said placing the money down, wide eyed to Iroh's "words of wisdom"

Maybe he's right...

Sokka- his p.o.v

Who knew that after ALL these years, Y/n would just come back?!

She sure has grown since the last time we saw each other.


"Soooooo...Sokka? How's it going?" I hear Katara come into the room.

"Hmm?" I reply still thinking that after all these years, she still looks really gorgeous...wait....what?!

"I KNEW IT!!!" I hear my sister yell and jump around.

Did I just...oh no...

"I knew it! You like her!!!! Ahahahah! I love being right!" Katara yells prancing around. I literally facepalm....

Never again will I think out loud...


"Shhhhhhhh!!!!" I scold covering her mouth from preventing her to-dang it...

"Who likes who?" I hear my father say...

At a time like this?


"I'm gonna go!" Katara says laughing as she walks out, My father raises an eyebrow.

"I like this pillow?" I say trying to prevent a father-son talk.

"Not what I heard from Katara's constant yelling...." Father says, I mentally facepalm.

I look around trying to save myself, but it looks like father won't buy it...until....

"It's Y/n? Isn't it?" He says.

"Wha-wha-pffft! No...no way...hahahah....isn't this pillow sooooooo likable?" I say stuttering.

Maybe not the strongest reply......

"My son is growing up" my father chuckles patting my back, I roll my eyes as I hear him mutter finally...

"This is normal son, love-" he starts off.

"Wait wait wait...Love? Heck to the no! It's a like...nothing to do with love..." I defend myself.

"Just you wait...."

Zuko- his p.o.v

God dang why did she have to come in?

She may be the new guard...but he's so..how can I say it?


That's it, very lovable....I didn't feel myself smile at all.

"Zuko...you okay?" Suki asks. I shake my head.

"Uhhhh yeah, of course!" I reply, and then...the plant falls over...dang it!

"By the looks of it...your not fine, stupid...what's on your mind?" Suki replies.

"I-is, Y/n taken?" I manage to speak out.

"What do you mean, is Y/n taken? Wait...holy...TI-LEE, GET OVER HERE!!!!" Suki yells, if I could...I would face palm, but I can't from this embarrassing moment....

"You called?" Ti-lee says, Suki is literally bouncing up and down.

"He-oh my-he-" Suki says, Ti-Lee looks dumbfounded.

"SPIT IT OUT WOMAN!!!!" Ti-Lee yells.

"ZUKO LIKES Y/N!!!" Suki yells, I seriously bet the whole fire nation could hear... /)_-)....

But in a matter of seconds, Ti-Lee and I both dog pile ontop of Suki.

"Shhhhhh...I don't think Zuko wants Y/n to hear!!!" Ti-Lee whispers.

Thank you Ti-Lee...the normal one here....

"You both would make a cute couple...." Ti-Lee adds.

"I'm out..." I say leaving, I seriously can't take this anymore...

I need a quiet place to think this all through...call it love, but I'm liking it.
Whooooooo.....its up!!! ^~^...

Sorry for the mistakes or such! I'm too lazy to edit....ill do it later!!! XD!!!

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