Chapter 2 The Croc's Order

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Chapter 2

The Croc's Orders
Back in Bruce's lair, some henchasaurs and henchasaurettes are feeding him fish and big juicy insects." Sir, I have intel on the Utah-group!" Sam said as he burst through the stone doors. "Excellent." Bruce said in a very dark voice that seemed to shake the whole lair. The echoes of Bruce's voice were ringing in Sam's head., Sam stammered, do I get my reward now?" He asked as his legs were shaking and he was too scared to even move. "Soon enough my friend, soon enough." "So About the intel, um...the Utah-Group is on to us their mom, Ronda,very protective of her happy children." " BLAST it!! " Bruce yelled in anger, as he smashed his clawed hand on a rock that split in two. Sam was thinking about just running away, but he needs the graphoos to pay for his family. He had to come home to see his young daughter, Sarah and her playfulness and for Sam to see his wife, Samantha. "Ser...... Ma...may..I..uh.?!" Sam stammered with fear as Bruce's big, sharp, and jagged teeth started showing with the croc's scary eyes staring at him. "Spit it out out you little Lealyanasasaura!" Scared and furious,"May I go to get more intel sir?" Sam managed. "Yeah sure I don't need you right now! Begone with you now wimpysaur!" Then, Sam ran as fast as he could out the stone door."I really do think I should fire that little wimpy dinosaur." Bruce said. "But I thought you said that you needed his spying skills dad.....No...I.....uh..I...mean... Sir." A small juvenile Sarcasuchus, >>>A Sarcasuchus is an ancestor of the crocodile. Sarcasuchus is like a smaller version, with a thinner snout, of Deinosuchus Egypticus which weighed seven and a half tons and was as tall as a rhino and as long as two and a half school buses!!!>>> named Timmy, said. "Well, I do but he such a wimp when it comes to talking to me. I'm not THAT scary am I?" Bruce replied. Bruce treated Timmy a lot better than the rest of the dinosaurs in his lair and no one questioned it. But Bruce never realized that he really did sort of have a family, it was Timmy, even though Timmy did see Bruce as a father he never had since his dad was killed in the asteroid strike just like the Utah-group's real mom was. It's just that Timmy is too afraid and to shy to tell Bruce how he really feels about him."Sir there is an unknown creature outside the lair that none of us know what it is, Sir!" A juvenile male Utahraptor named Jonathan said as he came running in to the stone lair. Jonathan seemed about Velma's age. " Don't worry it's just a small delicious mammal." Bruce said. Jonathan was covered in beautiful and brightly colored feathers. Velma would consider him as her dream mate. One of Velma's dream mate's characteristics would be a very muscular and great hunting skilled male raptor. Those two things are the two highest priority on the list. That means that Velma wold totally find Jonath totally dreamy.

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