Chapter 5

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Niall POV

If I could choose anyone to throw out if this restaurant, is would me the guy sitting across from me.
     Andrew Henning. He and lily were best friends last year. He was your typical high school guy. On the outside all the girls were drooling all over him. But in the inside, he might as well been the devil's son.
      I remember I like it was yesterday. It had to be the worst day of my life. We were all at me house, we were watching a movie like every Saturday. It was me, Louis, Liam, Harry, lily, Sofie, Elle, and Taylor. Lily begged me to invite Andrew. She said she was a great friend and he wouldn't cause any trouble. It turned out to be the exact opposite.


Pleeeaseee Niall!, she begged with puppy eyes.
I chuckled and agreed. She looked so happy, and she sprinted out the room to call him.
He arrived 5 minutes later and looke like a wreak. He had bags under his eyes. His eyes were blood shot and he had a beer bottle in his hand.
She gasped. It was only me and her in the room, I decided to wait for him too. Everyone else was in the basement.
Umm, Andrew? Are you ok?, she asked placing a hand on his shoulder.
Her turned around and slaps her across the face.
DONT ASK ME WHATS WRONG! He raged. I walked up in front of him and told him to relax.
DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU LITTLE LEPRECHAUN! He yelled pushing me up against the wall. Then he turned to Lily. He backed her into a corner and when I tried to stop him he just punch me and threw me against the wall. He brought his attention back to Lily who was crying. He just hit her. Over and over again. And I couldn't do anything but watch. I couldn't even call for help I was in so much pain. I grabbed my phone of the floor and called Louis. He answered and I told him to come help us. In 3 seconds he was in the doorway with Harry and Liam. They all had horrified expressions on their face. They succeeded in pushing Andrew out the door and Harry walked him to his house. When Harry came back Louis and Liam were helping me and Lily. Lily ran into my arms and cried. The only people who know about what happened was lily's parents, my parents, the boys, and us. When we told our parents they wanted to call the cops but we argued not to. Lily stayed at my house that night and so did everyone else.

End of flashback.

I couldn't hold it. When he hit lily that day, he was to drunk to remember what happened and tried to be nice to Lily the next day. I punched him square in the nose and walked away with Lily.
  My blood was boiling and I was going to lash out at him. Lily's face was terrified. I pushed Caroline out of the seat and walked to the other side of the booth where Andrew and Lily were sitting. I pulled him out of the booth and pushed him against a wall. I punched him over and over again. My knuckles were bloody and so was his face.
      Louis and Liam came and tried to pull me away but couldn't until Harry came. The manager came and told me to get out. I handed him a 50 dollar bill for the food and went back to the booth. I grabbed lily's hand and walked out.
      I couldn't hear anything. Then I turned to Lily and she had tear streaming down her face.

   What have I done.

so some background is uncovered! Tell me what you think!



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