t w e l v e

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Lily's POV
It's been a week. A full week. 7 days. Countless hours. And I haven't seen niall the whole time. I miss him with even shard of my heart. Yet I want him to die in a hole.
He cheated on you....
But he said he didn't.....

Taylor's POV (*wiggles eyebrows*)

"Louis, you don't understand. She won't eat anything. It's been 7 freaking days! She hasn't come out at all!!" I argue with Louis.
"Niall hasn't done anything except cry his eyes out.... He only gets up to eat, that's the only happiness he can find now," Liam says.
"Well that doesn't matter! He broke lily's heart! She didn't do anything to him!" Harry snaps. I've never seen Harry so angry.....
"I agree with Harry." Louis says, a grim expression on his face.
We all start arguing but instantly stop by the sound of a door creak. Lily walks out and Harry gasps at the sight. I slap Harry's arm and he mutters an 'I'm sorry'.
Her cheekbones are prominent, a result from her starving herself. Her eyes were bloodshot, that meant that she wasn't sleeping. And her cheeks where tear stained. I hear quiet sobs and turn to see Harry crying. What the hell??!

  Harry runs to lily and swallows her in a hug. He buries his head in the crook of her neck and they both cry their hearts out. Then lily giggles.  Harry looks at her with a confused look on her face.
   "Your curls! They tickle!"
   Harry lets out a smile and hugs her.
   "Well, guys..... I'm sorry....." She says to us.
    "For what love?" Harry asks.
    "For not talking to you all and being a caveman....." She says, a smile tugging at her lips.
      We all tell her it's fine.
     "Uhhhh Harry? Can I talk to you?" I ask.
      "Sure thing,"
    We walk toward the kitchen and I turned to him.
     "What the hell is between you and lily?"
     "Well....." His face pales and he looks clammy.
     "No way."
     "So you do??"
     He looks at his feet. "Yea...."
Before Niall asked out lily
No Brit! We are over! Harry yells.
    A crying Britney walks away from the courtyard. Harry walks over to Lily with a smile on his face and goes to say something but lily runs into a pole. Niall catches her and asks her something. She smiles and answers, putting a smile on Nialls face. Harry on the the hand, was frowning. Lily walked right past Harry holding hand with Niall. A single tear rolls down Harry's face but he wiped it away once it surfaces.
*end of flashback*

"Oh Harry....."
"It's fine. Now that Niall and her are over, we can be together!" He says. He looks like a 5 year old that was told they are going to the park.
   "Take your shot buddy,"
   I'm happy for Harry. I just hope he treats lily right..... But I don't think lily will agree to be with him.....

   HAZZAS POV!!!! (Harry)

     I was so nervous. I was asking the love of my life to go out with me. I almost forgot we are being tracked down by a killer.... Oh well!
     I planned it perfectly. We would be alone, and I would sit down with her on the couch or wherever she was sitting... I would bring out some flowers and ask her. How could she say no?
      But when the time came, I just wanted to curl up in a ball and give up. I spotted her, alone, in Taylor's living room. Here goes nothing....
    "Uhh.... Lily?"
    "Yea, Haz?" My heart melted.
    " I was uh.... Wondering if you...uh....want to go out??"
    She gives me a genuine smile "I'd love to Harry, but after Niall, I don't feel ready for a relationship. Yet."
     "Oh..... Okay. Just know that if you need anything, I'm here for you," I let out a sigh and give her the roses I was hiding behind my back. She smiles again and wobbles over to me and gives me a hug. Her foot hasn't completely healed, but she can walk now.
      This wasn't how it ended in my head but....... I talk to her about just watching a movie and eating pizza.  Not a date, just to talk and hang out.
    I love lily, but if she doesn't feel comfortable, i won't push her. I'll just be like an older brother to her.

   Niall POV (pass the tissue box around....)
   I'm dead without her. Well I'm breathing, but I'm only existing.... All I do is eat. And eat. And eat a bit more. It the only thing that gave me happiness but now it makes me miss her more. I had spaghetti yesterday, with 6 meatballs. I broke down. Liam and zayn ran to me to see what was wrong and looked at me, dumbfound when I pointed to the plate.

      I can't believe what I did to her. I didn't mean to. I was drunk! I don't know why I did it but i need her back, Lily that is. My heart just shattered when Liam gave me the news that Harry asked her out. I thought he was my friend. Well now, my main feeling is anger and sadness.

Sorry for the sucky chapter!!!



Fires // n.h.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora