Emma Wilson

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The lunch room was full, I was waiting in line for food. My best friend Kuso was sitting with Milly. Which was my other best friend. I smiled and waved to them and they smiled back. Dylan, my brother is two grades below me but we still have lunch together. He is actually really popular and dates a lot of girls..
But he is still a nice guy I guess and tells a bunch of bull shit stories of what he does with them but he hasn't even kissed one. I got my some salad and juice because I'm a vegan. I get teased a lot, but it's worth it for my physic. And y'know animals lives. I went over to the table where my friends were sitting and sat down. I looked over at Kuso with a smirk. "Hey kuso-senpai~" He looked at me unamused "Oh shut it." Kuso is the only Japanese person I've ever met who doesn't like anime. So of coarse me and Milly always tease him. From where I sat I could see Casey and her friends. They were a table in front of me. Casey was the sportiest girl in my school. We were best friends in like kindergarten, but then she got into sports. And I got into painting and photography. And we drifted, but we are still acquaintances. Milly stole my chocolate milk like she always does and I took her cookie. After I ate I went up to the trashcan to throw my stuff away when a damn jock kid came up to me. Fucking Derrick Sommers, he was a pick who always was on my shit. "Hey baby, want to go out with me sometime?" I didn't respond to him and threw away my trash. I started to walk away from him when he blurted out "What is it? You a fag or something?" His friends were laughing and I stood dead in my tracks. I turned around infatuated with anger. Then something odd happened? Casey stood up "Hey Dick head wanna leave her alone?" I blushed a bit embarrassed. That took Derrick by surprise and he stuttered. "U-uh fine! Be with your dike you lesbian bitch." He stormed off with his fuckboy possy. I looked over at Casey and her and her friends were laughing. I wish I could be like that, were guys were scared of me! I walked back over to Kuso and milky and they were dumbfounded by what just happened. "Holy shit man, did that really just happen??" Milly said astonished. I nodded a bit embarrassed. "Uh yeah let's forget about it okay..." The bell then rang and we went our classes. After school I went to my locker to get my stuff and put it in my bag. All the sudden there was a slight push on my locker and I looked up to see Casey standing over me. "Hey, want to hang?" I blushed a little and looked back down. "I have to do homework and study sorry." I got my stuff and stood up. I looked back at Casey and she was smiling at me. "Hey you know I never got a Thank you for earlier?"
"Oh Uh Thank you..." I got up and started walking down the hall. She started to follow me, "Uh do you have somewhere to be?" She chuckled "Don't got practice tonight so I'm just gonna follow you." I looked down at my feet and kept walking. I got out of school and started heading for home. "Uh I don't think you can come over my parents don't like guests." She shrugged, "I don't think they'll mind." I started to get a bit annoyed, "Y'know it's a bit rude just to invite yourself over, right?" "Well, you kinda owe me for having your back at the lunch room? So I can take up a little of your time." She then put her arm around me. "Calm down man, I'm only gonna hang for a while? Just like in kindergarten." I blushed a little "o-okay..." We got to my house and I unlocked the door and walked in. "Nice house you have here." "Thanks...." My dog Isabella greeted me and Casey at the door. She's a tiny white pomeranian. "Hi puppy!" Casey said kneeling down to pet her. "She's so cute! And shaved!" I laughed a little "She has a bear cut so she's like a tiny bear." Casey looked up at me "Hm I like your smiling face." I blushed "W-what is that supposed to mean?!" She laughed "nothing" She picked Isabelle up and we walked up stairs into my room. She sat on my bed and set the puppy on her lap. I set my book bag on my desk chair. I got out my books and set them on the desk.
"What are you doing?"
"Studying, like I said i was going to do?"
There was silence for awhile, i turned to my books and started to study. Casey perked up out of nowhere, even scaring Isabelle. "You're cute when you study."
I sat up straightly "I wha?" I just shook my head, ignored it and went back to studying. Casey stared at me for a while and then I looked up at her. "Its uh kinda hard to concentrate when you're staring at me..." She smiled, "My bad." She then laid back on my bed and started to pet Isabelle. "I really like you Emma." Casey said bluntly. I blushed and looked up at her. "Huh??!"

Love, EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now