Ignore me

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A week passed, and Casey also passed me without hesitation. It hurt a lot, everyday I saw her the hallway and she didn't acknowledge me. I don't understand why she would end it like that? Was she afraid of my dad?  I also don't understand why I'm so hurt by this, we dated for a couple days. Is a couple days enough to actually fall in love with someone? Christmas was in 2 weeks and I fully came out to my family, alone. It would have been better if Casey was by my side. I walked home alone again today kicking some leaves as I went along. I walked passed a basketball court and saw Casey playing with some of her guy friends. I stopped for a second unconsciously and watched them, Casey then looked over at me and I realized i was staring and walked fast down the side walk. Shes not coming after me, i should just give up. The next couple of days I was more depressed, Milly and Kuso both tried cheering me up but it was no use. I was sitting on my laptop going through my pictures and printing them out. Then i got to pictures of me and Casey... I closed my laptop and started to tear up. I hate this, why did I have to be the one to feel something. I bet she doesn't even care and never even liked me. And was just playing around with my emotions. I got in bed and sobbed for a while and fell asleep. At school the next day I was a mess. At lunch i ate like two carrots, then Derrick walked up with his little fuckboy group,

"I heard you and that Dike broke up. I'm always free haha."

His little group laughed and I saw Casey staring over, I gave him a stern look. 

"Yeah, I do want to go out. Im free tonight."

They all looked at me bewildered, 

"W-what? Are you for real?"

I nodded and the whole lunch room was quiet. Casey stood up and slammed her hands on the table and ran out of the lunch room. Milly looked at me like I was crazy and so did Kuso. He grinned, "Heh, good meet me in the back lot after school, Baby." Milly cringed and I almost did too, his group left and he was fist bumping them all and laughing. 

"What the actual Fuck was that?!" 

I shrugged and threw my food away and walked out of the lunch room. I walked into the girls bathroom and Casey was in there and she was splashing her face with cold water. I kinda stood there until she left. She dried off her face and looked at me. 

"Going on a date with that douche?"

I scoffed, "Maybe he won't dump me for no reason."

Casey clenched her fists, "If that's what you think okay."

Casey left the bathroom and I went into a stall, I started to tear up and get mad. But then I held in my feelings and got out and went to my next class. 

After school I met Derrick in the lot and he was there with his expensive red mustang. Such a cliche fuckboy...

I got in and he smiled, 

"Where you want to go Sexy?"

I tried not to roll my eyes or do something rude, "I don't mind, anywhere is fine."

He smiled and started to drive, "Cherry hill?"

I shrugged, I honestly didn't care anymore. Even if Cherry hill was a make out spot."

We got there and it was dusk out and there was alot of traffic, We sat there in silence.

Then he leaned into kiss me and I was having second thoughts and pushed him back a little. 

"I change my mind I am gonna go." 

I got of the car and started to walk, I was about to cross the street but so much was on my mind and I was hit by a vehicle. 

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