Chapter 4

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I woke up a few hours latter. Looking at the clock on my end table I see that it's 2:23 in the afternoon. Sighing I climb out of bed and slowly walk down the stairs to then main floor. I walking into the bathroom, land locking the door I undress and bet in the shower.

I get out of the shower, rapping a towel around me I go back up to my room. When I get to my room the doors open, which is weird because I always shut my door. Walking in I see Luke sitting on my bed.

"Why are you in my room?" I ask him, making him jump because he obviously didn't see me come in.

"Ummm... I wanted to talk to you... but I see now is a bad time." He says walking tors the door.

"Every time is a bad time, so just spill it."

"No, it's fine, it can wait..." he said nervously. Why is he so nervous?

"Just spill it, Luke," I practically yell at him.

" Its fine Alex it can wait..." he walked away before I could say anything else.

Sighing I pulled out clothes from my closet. I chose a red flannel with a white tank top, black skinny jeans and beanie. After I go dressed I turned on my music. I turn it up so loud you could probably hear it down stairs. And I guess you real,y could because the next thing I knew Luke was bursting into my room yelling at me to turn it down.

I told I wasn't going to turn it down which got him supper pissed. He started yelling at me even more telling me I worthless, stupid a waist of space and time... I just wanted to disappear right then and there.

"Your so stupid Alexandria," he yelled, "you can't do anything right, no one wants you. Even your parents wish they had a different kid! Just go kill yourself already!!" He turn around walking out of my room and slamming the door.

I know most of what he said was because he was mad, but somehow I believe that he really meant it. I mean he was really pissed. Turning of my music I searched through my stuff trying to find my razor blades. I finally found them, taking the biggest one I have I sat in the middle of the floor. Slicing through the skin over and over again so deep that I would have at least a one inch thick scar I started to cry. Your worthless. Your stupid. A waist of space and time. Just kill yourself already. I played through everything he had yelled at me just minutes ago.

Falling over on my side I see Luke walking I to the room. I thought I locked the door, I thought to myself. He fell to his knees in front of me. Lifting my head he started saying something, I couldn't hear him because I was starting to black out. He picked me up and ran down the stairs and out the front door. He put me in his car and started driving. He was going at least 80 mph on a 25mph road.

We got to the hospital about 15 minutes later. He picked me up again and cared me into the hospital. A nurse put me on a stretcher and ran down the hall pushing me. The put me in a room, someone flashed a light in my eyes which mad my vision to get blacker.

I saw someone walk in only to be pushed out by people. A few seconds after that I passed out.

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