The Gym

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After the incident in the cafeteria, the guys went to the boys locker room to get changed for health and fitness class. When they finally finished changing they headed to class. When they got there, they saw that the girls were on one side of the room and the boys were on the other. They joined the rest of guys on the other side of the room.

"Today we will be playing a simple game of dodge ball, just to get warmed up, then we'll be doing some laps on the field."

"Oh come on!!" Zayne said. "Why do we have to do laps on a day like this?"

"I know right"Chris added.

All of them were athletic,but Chris and Zayne were lazy at times. Adam, Leo and Liam weren't all that lazy as they were so they didn't mind doing the laps.

"You guys know why I am going participate in this shit, right?"Zayne said, with a smirk on his face.

"Ooh I know what u mean" Chris said grinning from ear to ear.

The only reason why they chose to participate in class were to see all the cute girls boobs jumping while they were running.

"Class its boys against girls. Boys be careful and please don't damage these girls beautiful faces." There teacher, Mrs Jones said. The boys were ready and this was a chance to hit girls anywhere with a ball, they wouldn't miss that chance.

Three,two,one (whistle blows) game on...

Liam gave the first hit. He hit a girl right on the butt. Chris laughed and while he wasn't paying attention,a ball came out of no where hitting him in the head and eliminating him from the game. The others laughed and continued playing the game.

A few minutes later

Only a few girls were left. These girls were the most athletic ones, they managed to stay in the game against about 25 boys and 19 girls. Zayne also got eliminated a little while after Chris did. They decided that the only way they could eliminate these girls were to distract them, so one boy 'accidentally' fell down. The girls were laughing and the boys took the advantage and eliminated them.

"The boys win" Mrs Jones declared. "Now take a ten minute break, drink some water and get ready to do a lot of running."

Zaynes POV

During the break a familiar face walked over to me. It was Samantha. "You guys cheated. Not fair." She said in a childish yet attractive voice.

"That's life for ya" I said, with a friendly smile.

"We would've won if you didn't." She said. I laughed.

"So Samantha are you ready to do those laps?" I said with a smirk on my faced. "You must be, considering how athletic you are."

"How do you know my real name? She said looking quite frightened. Then I saw her change from blonde to black and then blonde again. Then she stormed off.

"What was that?" I asked myself, feeling quite confused. "Her hair just changed colors, that was weird and what did she mean by her 'real name'."

I wonder if anyone else saw that? I walked over to the guys where the guys were standing and asked, "did you guys see what just happened?"

"What a cute girl just spoke to you?" Leo said.

"No not that. Did you see what happened to her hair?" I asked.

"What? Her hair was blowing in her face, that's no big deal Zayne" leo answered.

Now I definitely think I'm going insane. No one else saw that? Seriously!!?

A loud whistle brought me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality. It was now time to run. I actually wanted to run now, not to watch the girls boobs jump up and down, but to clear my head.
End of his POV...

"Hey Liam!" Leo said.

"What?"he answered.

"Let's show these rookies how its done!" Leo said grinning from ear to ear.

The whistle was blown and they were off...

Leo, Liam and some other girls were way infront of the others. Chris and Adam were running at a normal pace and watching some really cute girls. Zayne was still trying to figure out what just happened. Suddenly he started to run even faster and passed everyone out. He wasn't even aware of that he passed everyone. He was just lost in his thoughts.

"When did Zayne become a better runner than us?" Leo said.

"I guess he was always a better runner than us but he was too lazy to show it. Liam said.

"Let's catch up to him" liam added.

Then ran and ran until they finally caught up to him. They were panting and sweating like pigs.

"Sup Zayne?" Leo asked Zayne.

"Nothing" he answered. He then looked back and said, "woah!! When did I reach this far?"

"Oh please! Stop showing off" leo said.

The three boys were nearing the finish line.

"May the best man win" Liam said.

"Oh I will" Leo said.

Zayne passed them out again and passed the finish line.

"Oh I will" Zayne said mocking Leo in a mocking voice.

"Oh shut up will you" Leo said.

A few minutes later the rest passed. They looked even more tired than we were.

"OK class. Good session. You all did great. Now go and freshen up. You guys stink. Mrs Jones said while laughing and covering her nose in a jokily way.

All of them hit the showers and after they finished getting ready to go home the bell rang and they all went home.

"I'm too tired to make any mischief today. I'm just gonna go home and sleep" Chris said.

"Me too" Leo said.

So they all said their farewells and got in their cars and drove home.

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