Chapter 2

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"I just can't stand him!" I told my best friend, Jay, we were at her house and she insisted on painting my nails and doing my hair to go out. I mean we could just stay in and watch Netflix but no since it's Friday she wants to go out to a movie.

"You are still his tour guide for two more weeks and you do have all the same classes with him. There really his no way to get away from him." She stated finally picking a deep blue for my fingers.

"Your supposed to make me fell better not drag me down more! What kind of best friend are you?" I asked trying to throw my hands in the air but she had them in a death grip.

"I really don't like him. There is something off about Anthony."

"And what's so off about him?" She asked mindlessly as she finished my left hand and moved to my right.

"I don't know but I don't trust him."

"No one ever said you had to trust the kid Hall. They just said you had to show him around."

"You girls ready?" Jay's mom called from the kitchen .

"Almost Mom!" Jay called back jumping up and down with excitement.

"Maybe I will finally met this Cole person you always talk about." I said and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Oh my God. Hall I already told you you aren't gonna meet him. You'll scare him off!" She whispered. "My mom doesn't know about him yet anyway and my dad will want to meet him, my mom will be all like 'let's invite him for dinner and get to know him.'" She gave me a look as she acted each part out.

"First- that's probably true. Second- it didn't matter if she wants to meet him that's good." I said as I check if the paint was dry.
It was so I said "I want to see your dad's face when he finds out... I think I'll tell him just so I can see it." I said jumping off the bed and racing down stairs. Mr. John seat in the living room watching some kind of conspiracy show. Right when I opened my mouth to tell the good news the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it!" I yelled I basically live here anyway. Opening the door I found an unknown person standing before me.

"If you are selling anything but girl scouts cookies. Goodbye." I said shutting the door a little.

"Wait!" He quickly interrupted. "Does Jaylen live here?" He asked.

"And you are??"

"Andrew Cole." He said and I burst into a grin.

"You, my friend have perfect timing." I said pulling him inside by the collar.

"Who is it, Hallow?" Mr. John yelled from the living room. I was about to yell back before Jay came into the room.  

"What are you doing here??" She asked nervously walking up to Cole.

"I came to say sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I love you. And I should have said it back when you told me you loved me."

"Yo Alex!!" I yelled to Jay's dad.

"What is it this time Hallow?" He yelled back

"You want to come meet this boy that clames he loves Jay?" I yelled back at him. In a matter of seconds he was in the door way. Jay shot me a glare but I just shrugged. Mr.John had already started the staring contest and I was very interested on who would win.

Cole took the challenge head on and was close to winning before Mrs.John came in and asked who he was.

"I like you." Mr.John said extending his hand for a shake. Turning to Jay's mom he started to introduce himself.

"My name is Andrew Cole but everyone calls me Cole. Andrew is my father."

"Oh okay. It's nice to meet you Cole. Would you like to come with us to the movies?"

"I don't want to be any trouble." He said slightly tilting his head to the side to think.

"Nonsense!" She said grabbing the car keys and gave a kiss to her husband. I heard a ' that's going to be us some day' and turned to see Jay blushing blood red.

I couldn't help but be jealous. I had that. Someone to love and hold you. But the last two years on the street hardened my heart. I still want it don't get me wrong but I only wanted it from one person and it's gonna take more then two years to get over it.

By the time we got to the movies I wasn't feeling up for it anymore. And Jay didn't seem to notice, holding hands and sharing quick kisses with Cole.

They were ahead when someone said, "You'll find someone." I turned to find Mrs.John looking ahead happily.

"I already did." I said to myself.

"I'm sorry?" She turned to me not hearing exactly what I said.

"Oh nothing, thank you for bring me to the movies and everything but I'm not really up for it anymore." I said

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing just miss my mom." I said in truth.

"Okay let me drive you home." She started to turn around but I quickly stopped her.

"No no no its okay. Its only like a mile to my house. I need time to myself." She nodded in understanding.

"Just call me when you get home okay?"

"Yes ma'ma" I said with a smile. We waved as she payed for the tickets and explained to Jay where I was going.

What I call home is a nice house that I live in by myself. Well Eve lives there too but she's a FBI agent so she travels and isn't home often. She took me off the streets when I was getting into some bad stuff. She's like my mom. Amazing food. The pancakes are to die for I swear.

"Hey Hallow!" I heard someone yell. I sighed. I was almost home, I thought to myself.

"Go away Anthony." I stopped and turned towards him with a glare. I did not want to deal with him. I might be his tour guide but his a dick.

"Now now now come on. You know Dayem never liked that mouth."

I looked him up and down surprised that this was the best Dayem had. "I'm surprised they sent you. What's the goal here? I left almost two years ago."

"He told you. You can't hide for long. This would have to the longest anyone has ever hidden from Dayem. Gold medal!" He said mockingly. I know something was up with him. Should have confronted him a while ago, at least then I would have had an upper hand.

"How did you find me?" I asked returning from my thoughts.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He said smiling a sick smile.

"I'm don't with that. I'm not going back." I said standing tall.

"Oh but you are. You were the best we had." He said

"You'll find a better one." I said and turned around and continued to walk home.

"That's not what Dayem thinks. Besides who has a weapon?" He said pulling out a gun. I turned around so fast I honestly got a little light headed.

"I would die before I went back." I roared completely done with his nonsense.

"Your coming back. ALIVE." He said.

Just then a cop car pulled up. Thank goodness for cops roaming the street.

"You are coming with me. Anthony Weiner Cross. For the murder of your uncle. We've been looking for you for weeks." The cop said handcuffing Anthony and asking for my statement. "Sorry for any trouble he caused. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just wanna get home, I'm already late."

"Of course. Thank you for your cooperation."

"No problem." I answered turning away. I ran the rest of the way home

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